Pollutants of Concern Pollutant 303(d) List TMDL Status CopperWatch Site specific objective nearly complete Diazinon - pesticide toxicity Complete Legacy pesticides Starting MercuryComplete* PAHsWatch PBDEsWatch PCBs Nearly complete SeleniumStarting TrashWatch
Permit Requirements Reflect current assessment of controls to reduce pollutants to maximum extent practicable (MEP) Controls must attain or lead to attainment of water quality standards = wasteload allocations Update MEP assessment by end of permit term implementation levels
Implementation Levels Full-scale implementation where applicable Focused implementation Work out conditions relevant to full implementation Pilot testing Evaluate applicability and effectiveness Other Experimental, desktop study, laboratory work, literature review or combination thereof
Mercury and PCBs
Mercury and PCBs Actions Areas with elevated mercury and/or PCBs levels in soils/sediments Investigate and cause remediation of on-land contaminated soils and/or sediments Improve system operation and maintenance to increase sediment removal Strategic runoff treatment retrofits
Mercury and PCBs Actions All areas Collect and recycle mercury containing materials → full implementation Control/oversee removal of PCBs containing equipment ( transformers, capacitors) → pilot Control/manage release of mercury and/or PCBs from building materials and waste during demolition and remodeling → pilot Construction site-erosion control → full
Mercury and PCBs Actions Investigate and cause remediation of on- land contaminated soils and/or sediments Conduct surveillance Identify sources and responsible parties Remediate contaminated soils on public land Cause/oversee remediation on private lands Local and state lead Focussed implementation level
Mercury and PCBs Actions Improve system operation and maintenance to increase sediment removal Improve/enhance storm drain and inlet cleaning Improve/enhance street sweeping Street flushing with capture Pilot implementation in multiple locations
Mercury and PCBs Actions Strategic runoff treatment retrofits At sources or inlets At location within drainage area At outlets Strategic routing of runoff to wastewater treatment systems Dry weather (street flushing) Limited (first flush) wet weather Pilot implementation in multiple locations
Summary of Issues Many measures are new and implementation will need to be adaptive and closely evaluated Selection of pilot controls along with frequency and timeframe for implementation needs to be determined Roles and responsibilities of various agencies needs to be worked out Load reduction credits need to be established
Pesticides Actions Adopt and implement IPM (integrated pest management) policy or ordinance Outreach Work with Ag Commissioners Provide input to USEPA and CA Dept of Pesticide Regulation regulatory processes All full implementation level
Pesticides Actions Adopt and implement IPM policy or ordinance Procedures for IPM at municipal facilities Training in IPM for staff Contract mechanisms to ensure IPM use
Pesticides Actions Outreach At point of purchase To residents who use or contract for pest control To pest control operators and landscapers To new development Irrigation management
Pesticides Actions Work with Ag Commissioners Report misuses of pesticides Provide input to USEPA and CA Dept of Pesticide Regulation regulation processes