0-5: Double Standards Not judging two people or situations by the same standards. Examples: 1. “I know we will hire any man who gets over a 70 percent on the screening test for hiring Post Office employees, but women should have to get an 80 to be hired because they often have to take care of their children.” 2. The US threatens to use force if Iran has nuclear weapons but does nothing if Israel has them. Think-Pair-Share: Come up with an example from your own life of double standards. Why might people use double standards?
Define the following terms from the “Elements of Thought” Wheel in your own words: 1. Inference and Interpretation 2. Assumptions 3. Implications and Consequences 4. Point of View
In your notes answer the following questions using complete sentences or the GSA format that you use in English class. 1) Why does the School have rules? 2) Who decided what the school rules would be? Why do you think they chose the rules that they did and not others? 3) What happens when you follow the rules? 4) What happens when you break the rules? 5) Have you ever received a referral? If yes, why? If no, why not? 6) If you have ever broken a school rule, why did you do it? Did you know the consequences?
OBJ: SWBAT define the terms conformity and defiance and describe how they relate to legal expectations. Relevance: Today we are learning about this because it is important to understand why people choose to either obey or break the law. DOL: Given an exit card, SWBAT: Answer 4 multiple choice questions. Write a thesis statement for the following prompt: ▪ Describe the reasons for conformity and defiance of legal expectations. Essential Question: Turn today’s objective into an essential question.
Today we are going to look at why people choose to either conform or defy social norms. Title a notes page: Conformity and Defiance
0-5 on your hand. What are social norms?
Social norms are rules defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior in any given society or nation. CFU: Think/Write/Share: Write down 1 example of a formal social norm and 1 example of an informal social norm.
1. What are social norms? 2. What is a possible consequence or implication of breaking formal social norms? 3. Why would someone go along with these? 4. Why might people break social norms?
0-5 on your hand. What does conformity mean?
Conformity is behavior that follows a group’s, society’s, or nation’s expectations. When people choose not to break the law they are conforming to a society’s legal expectations. CFU: Think/Write/Share: Other than not breaking laws, what are some other ways that people conform to “society’s” expectations? List as many examples as you can.
0-5 on your hand. What does defiance mean?
Defiance is behavior that breaks or goes against a groups, societies, or nations expectations. When people choose to break the law they are defying a societies legal expectations. Criminal Behavior CFU: Think/Write/Share: Other than breaking laws, what are some other ways that people defy “societies” expectations? List as many examples as you can.
This is a humorous video about social norms. Do you agree that this is a social norm? Explain why or why not. Do most people conform or defy this social norm? Justify your answer. (0:00 – 2:58)
For the second part of our objective today we are going to establish reasons why people choose to either conform or defy a societies or nations legal expectations. Think/Write/Share: Building off of what we did yesterday and the definitions you just learned, what are some reasons why people, or you personally, conform or defy legal expectations. List as many reasons for each as you can. ▪ 3 Minutes.
Reasons for Conformity: Desire for Social Harmony Fear of Punishment Reasons for Defiance: Actual or Perceived Need ▪ Strain Theory Irrelevant or Unjust Laws
Most people desire to live in a peaceful and harmonious society or nation. Natural human tendency to want order. When a majority of people conform to legal expectations social harmony can exist. People who conform to legal expectations also have a tendency to want punishments for those who defy them. CFU: Think/Write/Share: What other societal characteristics can create social harmony? Do you think they are as important as legal expectations? Justify your answer.
People have a tendency to conform to legal expectations because of fear of punishment. Deterrence When people do not conform to societies legal expectations they can be punished in the following ways: Fines Imprisonment Loss of Privileges CFU: Think/Write/Share: In your opinion, besides a desire for social harmony and a fear of punishment for defiance, what is the main reason most people conform to societies legal expectations? Justify your answer.
Defiance of legal expectations often takes place because people actually are in need of something or because they believe they are in need something. Think/Write/Share: List one example of an actual need and one example of a perceived need that could cause people to defy legal expectations.
Strain theory suggests that defiance is most likely to occur when there is a gap between culturally desirable goals, such as money and prestige, and a legitimate way of obtaining them. In the United States, an important goal is occupational success and the material possessions that go with it. Education and hard work are two of the approved means for being successful. When people accept this goal and the means to achieve it they are conforming. Wealthy people conform but so do poor people who continue to work in low- paying jobs in the hope of one day improving their lives. When people do not conform they are by definition engaging in defiant behavior. CFU: Think/Write/Share: ▪ How can egocentricity, sociocentricity, and cultural frames of reference affect what we consider to be legitimate ways of obtaining cultural desirable goals? Justify your answer.
When people are not able to obtain culturally desirable goals through approved means they often times resort to criminal activity to achieve their “needs”. CRIME Examples of response to strain theory: Robbery Drug Dealing CFU: Think/Write/Share If someone has an “actual need” can crime every be justified? Under what circumstances? Justify your answer.
When people consider laws to be irrelevant or unjust they have a greater tendency to violate, break, or openly rebel against those laws. Examples of historical irrelevant or unjust laws: Tea and Stamp Act Jim Crow Laws Prohibition Laws CFU: Think/Write/Share: Can you think of any other historic or contemporary laws that were/are irrelevant or unjust? List as many examples as you can.
Given an exit card, SWBAT: Answer 4 multiple choice questions. Write a thesis statement for the following prompt: ▪ Describe the reasons for conformity and defiance of legal expectations. (80% Accuracy)
___________ is behavior that breaks or goes against a groups, societies, or nations expectations. A.Conformity B.Defiance C.Aggressive D.All of the above
Which of the following is an example of an informal social norm? A.Legal expectations B.Local laws C.Sanctions D.Wearing deodorant to conceal body odor
If a majority of members of a society conform to its legal expectations the following can exist: A.Defiance B.Conformity C.Social Harmony D.Strain Theory
__________ is behavior that matches or follows a groups, societies, or nations expectations. A.Conformity B.Defiance C.Aggressive D.All of the above
Write a thesis statement for the following prompt: ▪ Describe the reasons for conformity and defiance of legal expectations.
The DOL Goal is 80% Accuracy. Multiple Choice Answers: B D C A Grade your shoulder partner’s thesis based on the PURPOSE section of the OER rubric. Thesis Exemplar: In our nation, people have free will to live their lives as they see fit. A majority of people conform to the legal expectations of society because of a desire for social harmony and a fear of punishment, but many people still defy our nations laws because they believe that they are either irrelevant or unjust.
In your opinion when does life begin? Upon conception, (when sperm meets egg) after a few months of development in the uterus, or after the baby comes into this world? Why might this be important to talk about? Do you think that everybody has the same idea of when a human becomes a human?