UWM CIO Office A Collaborative Process for IT Training and Development Copyright UW-Milwaukee, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
UWM CIO Office A Collaborative Process for IT Training and Development Simone C. O. Conceição, Assistant Professor Therese Bohn, Professional Development Coordinator Ericka Mendez, Professional Development Coordinator Kathy L. Heath, Director of Administrative Services
UWM CIO Office Presentation Overview Project background Project model Outcomes Next steps Q & A
UWM CIO Office Milwaukee Student Population: 27, 840 Undergraduates: 23,640 Masters: 3,200 Doctoral: 1,000 Faculty and Staff: 3,360 Schools and Colleges: 12 Undergraduate programs: 155 Masters programs: 49 PhD programs: 20 UWM Campus 93 acres UWM at a Glance Major research university
UWM CIO Office Project Background
UWM CIO Office We ask… How do we determine and meet the professional development needs of a diverse IT organization?
UWM CIO Office Information & Media Technologies CIO Office Strategic Planning Strategic Planning UWM Information Security Office UWM Information Security Office Unit Technology Representatives Campus Technology Support Staff Unit Technology Representatives Campus Technology Support Staff Core Service Teams Network & Operations Services Network & Operations Services Administrative & Management Services Administrative & Management Services Client Services & Application Development Client Services & Application Development Creative Services Creative Services
UWM CIO Office Criteria for Solution Responds to issues identified in IT Review Addresses challenges facing IT staff working in a collaborative environment Ensures all employees have a voice Aligns with mission, vision and values of organization
UWM CIO Office From the UWM IT Review: “Inadequate training in current and emerging technologies and application development tools inhibit I&MT’s ability to effectively (re)deploy resources to meet changing needs and expectations.”
UWM CIO Office Recommendation There is a “need to integrate staff training and development as part of an overall strategy that fosters growth at every career stage…”
UWM CIO Office Response Develop a training plan to identify and meet staff training and professional development needs. Develop a system to redirect and retrain staff as campus needs and priorities change..
UWM CIO Office IT Collaboration at UWM Partnerships with functional units Membership on campuswide teams and committees Ongoing interaction inside and outside I&MT Core service team model
UWM CIO Office Project Model
UWM CIO Office Prior model to assess employee training needs Individual training requests Soliciting feedback at meetings Conducting surveys
UWM CIO Office Shortfalls of Approach Staff not aware of training and support No consistent, clear communication about training and development priorities Need for understanding about integration of soft skills No explicit support from upper management
UWM CIO Office Team Formed I&MT director of Administrative Services I&MT professional development coordinators Faculty member with expertise in adult education
UWM CIO Office Role of Faculty-Consultant To help develop: Training plan to meet needs System to redirect and retrain staff Assessment tools to align staff awareness with technologies
UWM CIO Office Project Goals Training plan to identify training and professional development needs Plan for employee annual professional development System to redirect and retrain staff to meet changing campus needs and priorities Connect training expenditures to careful assessment of return on training investments
UWM CIO Office Project Objectives Identify approaches to determine and communicate training and development priorities
UWM CIO Office Project Objectives Identify approaches to determine and communicate training and development priorities Create a framework for implementing varying methodologies
UWM CIO Office Project Objectives Identify approaches to determine and communicate training and development priorities Create a framework for implementing varying methodologies Implement training and development process
UWM CIO Office Project Objectives Identify approaches to determine and communicate training and development priorities Create a framework for implementing varying methodologies Implement training and development process Evaluate training and development activities and process
UWM CIO Office Project Outline Develop framework Pilot framework Review framework Report results
UWM CIO Office Framework Development Research Needs Assessment tools Online survey Current model
UWM CIO Office DevelopmentDirectorSupervisorStaff Conduct Interview Participate in interview provide perspective Conduct Focus Group Participate in Focus Group Provide perspective Present Initial Findings Provide Clarification Data Collection
UWM CIO Office DevelopmentDirectorSupervisorStaff Provide Clarification Present Initial Findings Prepare Recommendation Establish Priorities Create Staff Development Plan Reporting
UWM CIO Office DevelopmentDirectorSupervisorStaff Execute Staff Training and Development Plan Track Staff Training and Development Progress Prepare Quarterly Report Assess Progress & Reevaluate Priorities Update Staff Development Plan Provide Feedback Provide Feedback Analyze Feedback Implementation & Feedback
UWM CIO Office Project Outcomes
UWM CIO Office What We Learned Complexity of broad organizational professional development planning Value of conversational approach Limits of technology to address people-focused processes and decision-making
UWM CIO Office Importance of Using a Collaborative Model Involves everyone in process Helps individuals consider own learning needs and training priorities Provides opportunities for employees to learn about available resources
UWM CIO Office Importance of Using a Collaborative Model cont. Enhances communication across organization Encourages resource-sharing Results in a customized approach to professional development
UWM CIO Office Unanticipated Results Increased employee understanding of division-wide and work-group-specific training needs and challenges Increased ability to identify, coordinate and facilitate appropriate training solutions Opened communication channels critical for ongoing success
UWM CIO Office Next Steps
UWM CIO Office Next steps Complete training and development plan with all permanent staff Establish steps for each employee linking directly to performance planning process Evaluate impact of process one-year from implementation
UWM CIO Office A Collaborative Process for IT Training and Development QUESTIONS? Simone C. O. Therese Ericka Kathy L.