Ancient Civilizations
Archaeoastronomy the branch of archaeology that deals with the apparent use by prehistoric civilizations of astronomical techniques to establish the seasons or the cycle of the year, especially as evidenced in the construction of megaliths and other ritual structures. So, this is how people of the past have understood the sky and have interpreted its meaning in their own culture.
Egyptians Ancient Egyptian story of creation attempted to explain the Universe. Each rising of the Sun was a new moment of creation. The Great Pyramid of Khufu was one of the 1 st constructed about 4500 years ago. The 2 largest frame the Sun on the summer solstice during sunset. Pyramids are all aligned almost perfectly north-south and east-west.
Europeans Construction on Stonehenge began about 5000 years ago, and was completed maybe 3500 years ago. Began as a circular ditch with 56 evenly spaced holes within. At completion, about 150 stones. Many have been moved or are missing. Marks summer and winter solstice and moon risings on particular day…
Mayans Caracol was built and populated between AD An observatory was built to view the Sun and Venus. Mayan Calendar ends in 2012…why?? Original calendars lasted one lifetime, 52 years. They made a calendar that ran 5126 years and it began in 3114 BC… =2012!!
Anasazi Indians Lived in modern day Chaco Canyon in N. New Mexico from c AD. Sun Dagger was discovered in 1977 by an artist, Anna Sofaer. A sliver of sunlight appeared above the spiral and sliced through the center during summer solstice. 2 slivers appeared on the winter solstice framing the spiral. Equinoxes were marked by one sliver cutting through ½ of the spiral, and one sliver through the small spiral.
Native Americans - Wyoming Big Horn Medicine Wheel resembles a giant wagon wheel and is composed of 28 spokes. Longest spoke aligns with rising sun on summer solstice, and another aligns with setting sun. Four others align with bright stars.
If all else fails, just use your shadow!