What is a graphic organizer? A graphic organizer is a tool students can use to brainstorm and organize their thoughts. A graphic organizer is helpful because you can represent ideas in a visual way. Sample of a mind map "Reproduced with permission from MindTools.com
Using Graphic Organizers - Organize information visually - See relationships between ideas - Helpful as a pre-writing activity
Basic Organizers Graphic organizers aren’t all that new. You’ve probably completed many of them, perhaps without identifying them as graphic organizers. For example, a chart can be an example of a graphic organizer. ReadingReflecting Double Entry Reading Journal
Basic Organizers You can represent a series of events. First Event Second Event Third Event
Organizing ideas and examples Trait Quote to support that trait Trait Quote to support that trait Trait Quote to support that trait You can organize ideas and examples using a spider map. In this map your details become more specific, the further you move from the center of the page. Character Sketch
Comparing and Contrasting You can use an organizer to compare ideas. In Venn diagrams, the areas that overlap are spaces to show similar ideas. Idea Distinguishing (different) characteristics are in found in the parts of the circles that don’t overlap.
Concept Maps You can create visual maps that illustrate the relationships between ideas. The relationships are labeled on the lines that connect your ideas. Concept maps also require you to shift from general to more specific. Concept maps often start at the top of the page and get more specific as you move down. Reprinted with permission
Mind Maps Mind maps are similar to concept maps. Ideas are connected together, but mind maps are less about the relationships between those ideas. Mind maps are helpful for brainstorming and grouping similar ideas together. ©2010 Thinkstock
Sample Mind Map Copyright permission granted by
Ready to get started? It doesn’t take much to build a graphic organizer. You can use a blank piece of paper, laid sideways (landscape), and pencil, sticky notes and some pencil crayons/markers. You can also use computer programs like Microsoft Office (go to “Insert” and choose “SmartArt graphics”, or insert text boxes and arrows) or Inspiration ( There is other information found in “Cool Ideas” for this module, too. ©2010 Thinkstock
Now that your materials are ready… Start with your purpose. What kinds of ideas are you trying to represent? Is your purpose to describe or to compare? Your purpose should help you decide what kind of organizer you should use. Let’s try to build a mind map of favourite foods.
A Quick Mapping activity: The Basics Write your main idea in the center of the page. Add visuals to represent your ideas. My favorite foods Next, consider how you can break down your topic so it is more specific. Use lines to connect your ideas. Breakfast Lunch Supper Dessert Next, consider how you can break down your topic so it is even more specific. Add visuals and lines to finish your map. Waffles Pizza Seafood Chocolate cake As you can see, it is easy to scan a map for information. You can keep adding more and more examples, as you continue brainstorming! ©2010 Thinkstock
PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER Here, we’ve used the details from the previous slide to write a paragraph about favourite foods. We organized it chronologically, from the first meal to the last. I enjoy different kinds of food, but some foods are my favourite! For breakfast, I love waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. For lunch, I love a good pizza loaded with toppings! For supper, I love seafood, especially lobster and scallops. Chocolate cake makes the perfect dessert for the perfect meal. All these foods are high in calories, but I love them all the same! Menu, please! ©2010 Thinkstock