Information Sharing and Riparian Discussions Almaty, Kazakhstan May 17-19, 2011 Assessment Studies for the Proposed Rogun Hydropower and Regional Reservoir Project (Rogun HPP) 1
Purpose: The TEAS study will fully assess the engineering, geological, hydrologic, and economic aspects of the proposed project consistent with current international standards. Including: Assessment of a salt intrusion in the foundation area of the proposed dam Appraisal of existing works Viability of an intermediate height dam as a stand-alone project Analysis of dam options, including the originally proposed 335 high dam, and identification of preferred design option Detailed assessment of preferred design option The Techno-Economic Assessment Study (TEAS) 2
Purpose: The ESIA will identify, assess and prepare management plans for potential environmental and social impacts, and resettlement plans. The study will cover potential impacts in Tajikistan and riparian countries. Including: Screening of environmental and social impacts Impact assessment of an intermediate height dam as a stand along project Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for the preferred option Resettlement Framework and Resettlement Plan for the primarily affected areas The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 3
A Preliminary Schedule 4 Panel of Experts/Riparian Session DateTopics Session 1: Mobilization May – June 2011 Introduction to Panels of Experts, Consultants TEAS draft inception report ESIA draft inception report Planning for ongoing program of information sharing and riparian discussions Session 2: Base Studies June 2011 Review of existing works Environmental and social screening report Analysis of salt wedge Session 3: Stage 1 project TBD TEAS assessment of intermediate height project ESIA assessment of intermediate height project Design options for full project Session 4: Impact Assessment TBD Environmental and social assessment of full project Key technical findings