Science Animal Studies
Top three most Dangerous animals!!! Hippo!! Piranha!! Sea Wasp!!
Piranha How do they get food? They sneak up on they’re prey What do they eat? they are omnivores so they eat both meat and plants. Where do they live ? Where do they live in oceans? Usually live in shallow parts of the ocean. What are their specialized behaviors? They have very sharp teeth as big as a paperclip as sharp as a knife!!!
Hippo How do they get their food? They can swim fast or run fast on land to get their prey. What are their specialized behaviors? They have a natural bug repellant, has sweat glands that acts like sunscreen and provides protection against insect bites. Where do they live? In Africa in swamps lakes and rivers. What do they eat? They eat meat, plants, they are omnivores. Where do they live?
Sea Wasps How do they get their food? Where do they live? They are silent stalkers and catch animals in their long invisible tentacles that the animal gets caught in. Where do they live? What do they eat? They eat fish and shrimp. Where do they live in the ocean? Usually in the upper waters near the sun!! What are some of their specialized behaviors? They have deadly toxins. They defend themselves with their tentacles.
Top three animals with the Best eyesight! Mantis shrimp! Hammerhead Shark! Eagle!
Hammerhead shark How do they get their food? They hunt in a school, and are good at catching their prey. How do they defend themselves? They form large schools. Where do they live? They live in shallow tropical water and warm temperature waters. What do they eat? They eat fish stingrays and other meat. Special behaviors. They hunt in schools most sharks hunt alone. And they give birth to live babies.
Eagle Where do they live? How do they gather their food? They fly over seas and scoop down to pick up fish using their claws. How do they make their homes? They build their nest in tall trees or high cliff. Special behaviors. Larger in size then other birds, more powerful build then other birds, heavier head and beak. Females are bigger then male. How do eagles defend themselves? They have a hard pointed beak and very sharp talons. What do they eat? They eat fish Where do they live?
Mantis Shrimp What do they eat? They eat live fish, crabs and other shrimp. Where do they live? They live in middle to deep bay, from shoreline to deep waters. Special behaviors. Their eyes have even more photo receptors than human eyes. They can cut a swiftly moving fish and a human How do Mantis Shrimp gather food? They slice their prey with sharp claws. How do they defend themselves? Their sharp claws.
My Favorite Animal
Dolphin What do they eat? Several kinds of fish, Mullet, Mackerel, Herring, Cod, and Squid. Where do they live? They live in all parts of the ocean near the equator. How do dolphins gather food? They hunt in a group or trick fish to go to shallow waters so they can easily be captured. How do they defend themselves? They are fast, they stay in schools of fish, and that is one of the most important techniques of the pod. Special behaviors. They have 2 stomachs, one for storing food and one for digesting food. Can swim up to 25 mph.