World Population Growth Describe in detail the growth of the world population. Describe the unequal growth between ELDC’s and EMDC’s Think about future world population trends.
World Population Increased 3 fold in 70 years.
What does this mean? Current population Every month births and deaths. Every Day births and deaths. Every Hour births and deaths. Every Minute 247 births and 107 deaths. Every second 4.1 births and 1.8 deaths…………
That is…….. 2 extra people in the world every second!!!!!!!
World population distribution shown as % of total population What are the implications of these trends?
That means…. Greatest rate of growth is in the ELDC’s with an extra 85 million people every year. Europe’s population is expected to fall. Only an extra 1.5 million per year and shrinking. Birth rate in Europe is 1.4 Birth rate in Africa is 6. Current projections suggest population will continue to rise reaching 27 billion by ………What are the implications of these trends?
What would happen if it was accurate??? Ageing population in EMDC’s – economic disaster. Population Bomb in ELDCs’ – Leading to war. Global food crisis. Global land crisis – SPACESHIP EARTH! Environmental Impact. The Malthus Theory “Eventually population will be checked by misery and vice in the form of famine, disease and war”
Think about it… At current rates of growth the projected population in 2150 will be 27 billion. What might slow down this growth?
What might slow down this growth??? Birth control in ELDC’s AIDS epidemic Education Family Planning. Anti-Natalist Policies – One Child – China. Increasing living standards. Natural controls – Famine, Tsunami, Drought…………..Supervolcano?!!!!!
Reducing Fertility Rates - success? Fertility rates in most regions of the world have fallen with the exception of Africa. USA 2.06 Italy 1.18 China 1.82 India 3.11 How has this been achieved?
Improved contraception – forced sterilization in India. Increased knowledge and acceptance of contraceptives. Reduced Child Mortality!!!! High Rates of Urbanization. Increased education of women and their earning power.
We will continue to look at these issues in more detail over the next few weeks. Key Words Crude Birth Rate (CBR) Number of live births per 1000 people in one year. Crude Death Rate (CDR) Number of deaths per 1000 people in one year. Infant Mortality Rate The number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1000 people in one year. Life expectancy The average number of years from birth that a person can expect to live.
Higher Core Textbook Read Pages 195 – 198 Answer Questions 1 – 3 page 235. Use figures 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 pages 195 – 198.