By Maddie Go. Compare and Contrast the Regions
Environments GB Moist Climate Forests Mountains Flatlands Salty Soil Sand Dry Cold Desert like Cool Hot and Sunny GP Grasslands Cold Very Hot Lots of Rainfall Few Trees Rivers Streams Hilly Plants Rain Tall Grass Hilly
Environments NE Rivers Streams Lakes Lots of Plants Non- Harsh Weather Hot Cold Moist Soil Rivers Lakes Snow SE Mountains Forests Rivers Grasses Swamps Good Soil Hot Cool Cold Rainfall
Clothing GP Made from Animal Skins Breechcloths Dresses Leggings Moccasins Deerskin Shirts GB Breechcloths Made from Animal Skins Woven Grass or Reeds Deerskin Shirts Leggings Moccasins Dresses Porcupine Quills Elk Teeth Beads
Clothing NE Made out of Deerskin Breechcloths Shirts Leggings Moccasins Fur Robes Wrapped Skirts SE Breechcloths Shirts Leggings Moccasins Dresses
Shelters GB Wickiup Teepee Roundhouse Teepee Shaped Longhouse GP Teepee Earth Lodge Wickiup
Shelters SE Chickee NE Longhouse Wigwam
Plants GB Acorns Cattails Mesquite Huckleberry GP Lodgepole Pines Grasses Currants Gloriosa Daisies
Plants SE Saw Palmetto Cypress Oak Saw Grass NE Strawberries Maple Birch Mushrooms