SMS Module
ListView – A view in SugarCRM which tabulates all the records in a given module or entity. DetailView – A view in SugarCRM that shows the detail of one record. TargetList – Holds contact records or targets for up to 5 modules or entities. You select the target list used for each campaign to receive the SMS or broadcast. Marketing – Relates to the SugarCRM Campaign module that contains the template and instructions like trackers and the specified hour of sending. Template – User created, contains the message to be sent for each Campaign including variable fields and links to be tracked. Note: There are only four modules that can use the SMS, namely Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Targets. Definition of Terms
Course Content Sending Individual SMS Sending Bulk SMS Sending SMS Campaigns
SMS that is sent out to a particular user via the DetailView. In the “Activities Subpanel” of a record there is a dropdown arrow that when pressed opens up the modal window for the SMS. The firsts image shows the list of modules that the SMS module Applies under the Marketing Tab. The second image show is the subpanel dropdown where you can create an SMS. Individual SMS
Below is the Image of the “Modal Window” that popup when the send SMS button is clicked. The Modal Window is divided into two sections: 1.Phone Number Field is pre- filled with the Records Mobile Number. 2.Message Field that will contain the message. Note that both are needed to send out SMS. Even if you change the number in the phone number field it will still send out the default number.
Bulk SMS On the ListView of the Module you can select multiple records. Afterwards click the dropdown arrow beside the “delete” button and click “Send SMS”. You will then be redirected to a page containing the modal window for sending SMS.
SMS Campaign For the Campaign module you need to consider the following elements in this sequence to send out each campaign: 1.Target List 2.The Actual Campaign Record 3.Marketing Attachment 4.Template
Target List Go to the Target List module and create a new Target List, the name of which relates to the source and date. Add the target records that will receive the SMS Message. The are some options to do this such as work flow automation. Select the TargetLists for menu Choose or create your TargetList Add the records in the TargetList via the fields
Campaigns Go to the Campaign tab. Create or Select a Campaign and set it to SMS. Select the Campaigns from the menu Choose or create your Campaign This is the part where you add the TargetList(s), and create the SMS Marketing
Marketing An or SMS Marketing message is a unique record attached to a campaign. Records | Targets that had been sent this marketing message would not receive it subsequently if the Campaign was initiated again. Fill in all the required fields. Start Date & Time is the actual time and date that the message will be sent. “Send This Message To” field can either be selected to send in all Target List or choose specific Target Lists.
Template While in the Marketing you can either choose to create your template or edit one that is already created Pressing Create or Edit will open a popup which you can construct your message. Parts of the Template Popup: 1.Name of the Template 2.The type is default to campaign 3.Description of the template (optional) 4.Dynamic Variables that Can be used in a Campaign 5.Subject is also for campaign, leave it blank. 6.Main body of the SMS (that will be sent) Parts of the Template Popup: 1.Name of the Template 2.The type is default to campaign 3.Description of the template (optional) 4.Dynamic Variables that Can be used in a Campaign 5.Subject is also for campaign, leave it blank. 6.Main body of the SMS (that will be sent)
Summary of the Campaign After you run the SMS Campaign you will be redirected to a page where you can monitor the progress of your SMS Campaign thus: o Queued | Pending SMS o Sent SMS o Invalid Numbers o Message that were Not Sent o Opt Out’s Campaign is also designed to attach to the Message, a line similar to this “To Opt Out send to this number”. If they choose to Opt Out they would be sent a follow up SMS saying “Successfully opted out to resume send to this number”.
Additional Information SMS Statistics: In 2003, the average Filipino mobile subscriber sent an average of 195 text messages per month (about 7 messages a day). By comparison, that same year the average user in the USA sent 13 a month. In 2005, Filipinos sent on average 250 million text messages a day - 33 million subscribers. In 2006, Filipinos sent 350 to 400 million texts messages a day - 35 millions users. In 2007, Filipinos sent a staggering 1.39 billion text messages – roughly 50 million users. In 2009, the trend continues but there are now about 73 million subscribers. With a recent US study revealing that the average Filipino cellphone user sends an average of 600 text messages per month or 43% more than their counterparts in the United States. ( ( The CRMWorks ASIA SMS Module is equipped to handle the replies from individual targeted messages and campaign messages. Those replies will be filed under the recipient’s record on your CRM in the History panel, along with other communications history like phone calls, meetings and s.
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