Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Presented By: 1.JESSU SHIRISH KUMAR (CS12B1018) 2.VEERNAPU SURI BABU (CS12B1039) GSM BASED SMS CONTROLLER
Why is this Project ? Can control Appliances even from long range of distances. Ex : As soon as farmer knows power has come, he can power on the motor even from his house.
COMPONENTS 1.GSM MODULE SIM 300 Global system for mobile communication To describe protocols for 2 nd generation and replaced analog Cellular network of 1 st gen. Some of the features are Controlled via AT COMMANDS.
List of AT COMMANDS for SMS control purpose commands Send SMSAT+CMGS / AT+CMSS Read SMSAT+CMGR / AT + CMGL Write SMSAT + CMGW Delete SMSAT + CMGD
MICRO CONTROLLER Simply a mini computer on a single Integrated circuit with a processor core, memory and programmable input and output Peripherals. Features 8K BYTES of in system Programmable Flash. 512 bytes EEPROM. 1K BYTES SRAM. Programmable serial USART. 4.5 to 5.5V operation.
BLOCK DIAGRAM : Micro Controller ATmega8 Relay switch /driver appliances GSM modem SIM 300 Cell phone LCD (16*2)
UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) A UART is an individual(or a part of) Integrated circuit used for serial communication over a computer or peripheral device(serial port). Now Microcontrollers are coming with UARTs. Serial Communication: Process of sending 1 bit at a time sequentially over a communicational channel.
Working: SMS sent from phone will be received by GSM modem // by GSM PROTOCOL COMMUNICATION// AT commands helps microcontroller to get SMS from GSM modem, then reads TEXT of SMS and display it on LCD. //Microcontroller interfaces with GSM modem using UART// The statues of appliances will change according to the TEXT of SMS.
Uses: The security for a house can be enhanced. //SMS will be sent to the owner as soon as a bugler broke into house// Power losses can be minimized. Things can be made more secure.