What do you think this map shows?
The Impact on People and Places (& cats) Migration to the United States
Essential Question How does migration affect the lives of people and the character of places?
Key Terms ► Emigrate: to move away from one’s home country. ► Immigrate: to move to a new country. ► Why do people migrate?
► ► How has…
Push Factors ► Encourage people to emigrate from where they are.
Types of Factors ► Political War Persecution ► Environmental Natural Disaster ► Economic No jobs at home
Pull Factors ► Encourage people to immigrate to a new place.
Types of Factors ► Better quality of life $ The “American Dream” $ Most common ► Better educational opportunities Free Public School
Immigration’s Affect on the U.S. ► Jobs: depend on immigrants for labor ► Taxes: immigrants pay taxes and use services.
► Culture: introduces the U.S. to new ways of life.
Emigration’s Affect on the Homelands People Leave ► Brain Drain: when the most talented people leave for better jobs in other countries. ► Remittances: money sent back to families in the homeland.
Assignment/Activity: Migration Streams Around the World ► Essential Learning Target (ELT): Explain how migration of people and movement of goods and ideas can enrich cultures, but also create tensions. ► Let’s analyze a migration flow chart, tnen debate the pros and cons of migration to the United States.
Works Cited "AK47 Cat." Web. 14 Jun "Cat Shove." Photobucket. Web. 14 Jun "Cat Student." Soo Township Elementary School. Web. 14 Jun "Cat Origami." Band of Cats. Web. 16 Jun "Cat with Furniture." Web. 14 Jun "Dancing Cat." Photobucket. Web. 16 Jun Hart, Diane. Geography Alive Regions and People. Palo Alto, CA: Teacher's Curriculum Institute, Print. "Rich Cat." Funny Cat Site. Web. 14 Jun "Tail Pull." Web. 16 Jun "Taco Cat." Taco Cat. Web. 16 Jun "This is a Nice Bed." Funny Cat Site. Web. 14 Jun