Modern Bible Translations Group 12 Kevin Weng 94121394 Howard Liao 93121305 Lily Wu 95121385 Annie Kang 96121225
Background Started around the time of early 19th century with the creation of the Revised Version in 1885 More formal equivalence of the modification to the King James Version soon follow Formal Version=> Dynamic Version =>New International Version
Different Translations Formal Equivalence Revised Standard Version(1952) The New Revised Standard Version(1989) English Standard Version (2001) Dynamic Equivalence (Functional) (Departure from King James) New English Bible initiated in the United Kingdom (1946) The Living Bible by Kenneth N. Taylor (1971) Good News Bible by the American Bible Society (1976) Intermediate approach Between King James Version & Good News Bible New International Version 3
Purpose Response to the rapid spread of Christianity Address the needs of different English speakers of all walks of life Complementing instead of Replacing
Formal Equivalence Render the text Word-for-word Strict adherence to structures, word order, and grammar at the expense of natural expression in the target language, if necessary Emphasis on literal fidelity
New American Standard Bible (NASB) The New Testament was first published in 1963, and the complete Bible was published in 1971. The revision of the American Standard Version (ASV)(1901) The most literally translated of 20th-century English Bible translations preserving the literal accuracy of the 1901 ASV sought to render grammar and terminology in contemporary English. Special attention has been given to the rendering of verb tenses to give the English reader a rendering as close as possible to the sense of the original Greek and Hebrew texts.
Awkward and Unnatural English “Strong in Greek, but weak in English.” preferred by those who want an English version that reflects the grammar of the original For this reason, many people used the NASB only for reference when doing close study, while using other more "readable" versions for other purposes
English Standard Version (ESV) First published in 2001 Very accurate (word for word), very readable. Goals: capture the precise wording of the original text, while taking into account differences of grammar, syntax, and idiom between current literary English and the original languages more literal than New International Version, but more idiomatic than the New American Standard Bible A great deal of “Biblish”
NASB John 1: 1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. ESV John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Dynamic Equivalence also called Functional equivalence or meaning based translation translator attempts to keep a constant historical distance with regard to history and facts, but updates the writing style and grammar (though-for-though)
avoid strict adherence to the grammatical structure of the original text used when the readability of the translation is more important more pleasing and understandable to the modern ear
Dynamic Equivalence Bible Versions Jerusalem Bible (JB) -- (1966) translated from the French La Sainte Bible. The English version revised and re- released as New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) in 1966 New English Bible (NEB) -- (1970) translated into contemporary British English; the first British Bible translated from the original languages since the KJV.
New International Version (NIV) -- (1973) produced by 115 translators, attempt at “an accurate translation, suitable for public and private reading, teaching, preaching, memorizing, and liturgical use.” Good News Bible (GNB) -- (1974) written at a 6th-grade reading level in contemporary English. Also known as Today’s English Version.
-- (1989) a revision of the New English Bible. Revised English Bible (REB) -- (1989) a revision of the New English Bible. Contemporary English Version (CEV) -- (1995) Written at an elementary-school reading level in simple English. God’s Word (GW) -- (1995) Designed to be an accurate, readable translation, using modern English language idioms to convey the meaning of the original texts.
New Living Translation (NLT) -- (1996) based on original sources, the goal of the NLT is to produce the closest natural equivalent, using the vocabulary and language structures of modern English.
Against Dynamic Equivalence ? J.B Phillips says: “Dynamic equivalence is to produce in the hearts and mind of his readers an effect equivalent to that produced by the author on his original readers.”
Intermediate approach Today's New International Version (TNIV) Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Holman Christian Standard Bible A balance between the two prevailing philosophies( formal equivalence and functional equivalence ) Goals of this translation are: * Provide an accurate, readable Bible * Equip an accurate translation for personal study, private devotions, and memorization * Visually attractive on the page, appealing when heard * Affirm the authority of Scripture as God's Word
Today's New International Version (TNIV) Based on the NIV Complete in February 2005 Wanted to build a new version Differences Matthew 1:18 Mary “pregnant” Luke 12:38 the phrase “middle of the night or toward daybreak” Gender Language