Impact Evaluation 4 Peace March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 1 DRC Public Service Reform and Rejuvenation project World Bank: Sadia Afolabi Chiara Bronchi Marco Larizza Eric Mvukiyehe Michael Roscitt Dan Rogger Columbia University, Harvard Raul Sanchez de la Sierra Latin America and the Caribbean’s Citizen Security Team
Problems Low state capacity Low quality of public service delivery Former solutions Aid delivery Here: target low performance of civil servants Lack of skills: brain drain, ageing Bad motivation 2
Intervention summary Management of the retirement process Identify civil servants eligible to retire Guarantee retirement benefits Young professional program ( ) Targeting: attract skilled, Motivated, Women (25%) Deploying Training: promote skills and motivation 3
Evaluation Questions 1. Recruitment How best to get skilled aspiring civil servants? How best to get motivated aspiring civil servants? 2. Individual performance How best to increase performance of civil servants? 3. Change in norms Can individual change lead to change in norms? 4
1. Recruitment: Evaluation Design 5 Standard wageLower wage Non financial incentives: YESPackage I Non financial incentives: NOPackage II Phase 0: Open call for YP positions (~5 000) Phase I: Pre-select eligible candidates (~2 000) Phase II: Randomize job application profiles Outcome: who applies? Hypothesis 1: wage attracts more qualified, but likely opportunistic (lower retention, less effort)
1. Recruitment: measurement Skills ▪ IQ test, Work experience, Education Personality test Behavioral games ▪ Pro-social behavior ▪ Public goods / public service game 6
2. Performance: Evaluation design Phase III: Send job offers 500 – 1000 applicants Surprise bonus: equalize wage package Phase IV: Training Hypothesis 2: Performance will increase if individuals are provided with skills and/or motivation 7 Skill-based training YesNo Intrinsic motivation-based training YesIII NoIIIIV
2. Performance: Measurement Yearly core outcome measurement: Performance outcomes: Attendance (random calls) Corruption: random audit Auxiliary outcomes: Satisfaction, Self-esteem Motivation 8
3. Norms: Evaluation Design Deployment design Allocate YP to government agencies (geographical) Vary presence of YP by agency Hypothesis 3: Civil servants exposed to more YP’s will be more likely to change their behavior, norms and expectations Measurement Self reported norms Behavioral game: public goods 9
3. Norms: Varying intensity of YP Unexposed unitExposed unit
Next steps Field visit: September 2014-December 2014 ▪ Fine tune hypotheses: meetings, focus groups ▪ Re-examine evaluation budget Finalize CN with GOV: September 2014-January 2014 Mini Pilot: January June 2015 ▪ Recruitment of 50 YP’s ▪ Evaluate capacity to manage the program Project Implementation ▪ Recruitment: July October2015 ▪ Training: October October 2017 ▪ Measurements: November January