Robotics Lego NXT Mindstorms
Robotics Introduction What is a Robot? What are examples of a robot? What can robots do? What can’t robots do? How are robots used in our daily lives?
Definition of a Robot What is a Robot? A robot is a device that is built to independently perform actions and interact with its surroundings.
Watch Video Clips After watching the video clips… Which of the clips showed actual “robots?” Explain the difference between a robot and a remote controlled machine/toy
Day 2 - Reflection How are robots used in our daily lives? What is possible with a Robot? What are some unexpected Robots?
Day 2 - Agenda Reflection discussion Finish building Tri-Bot Label cables Come up with a team and bot name and make poster for team Watch video clips Introduce basic programming
Day 3 - Reflection In what ways do robots need to interact with their surroundings? Give specific examples of a robot and the type of movement or sensors it will need.
Movement Define Types of movement: Locomotion – The ability to move from place to place (move from place to place) Localization – To perform functions in a specific area (turn head) Manipulation – To touch or move by mechanical means (move other things around) Cooperation - To work together (two motors working together for movement)
Day 3 - Agenda Reflection discussion Definitions of types of movement Watch “Robo Cup Dog Soccer” identify each type of movement Inventory of pieces Review Programming Begin programming with sound blocks
Day 4 - Reflection Why is it important to be specific when giving directions? Write down the step by step directions of how to fold a paper airplane.
What do we need the robot to do? Moving: The robot must be able to control some set of actuators to move how and when we want it to. We must be able to reliably place the robot anywhere we want. Sensing: The robot must be able to perceive its environment through sensors locate obstacles to avoid, and objects of interest that we want it to interact with. Plan/Act: The robot must be able to make decisions using its processor based on it’s sensors and feed them to it’s actuators to be able to move.
What is a sensor? Takes readings from physical environment and turns it into an electrical message/signal Sensors we will work with: Touch- hit something and it react Light- can sort by color or detect light from dark Sonar/ultrasonic- tells how far away things are Sound- tells how loud something is
What is a processor? It is the logic circuitry that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer. A computer needs to be able to: Receive inputs from the sensors, and convert the sensor readings into perceptions Make decisions based on it’s perceptions Use these decisions to change its environment (or move itself in the environment) using its actuators. Each of the above three things is programmed by the user using a programming language. Takes readings from physical environment and turns it into an electrical message/signal Touch- hit something and it react
What is a processor? A computer needs to be able to…: Each of the previous three things is programmed by the user using a programming language. Takes readings from physical environment and turns it into an electrical message/signal Touch- hit something and it react
What is an actuator? Takes electrical message and turns it into a physical action. For example: Electric motors receive electricity which makes their axles turn. These can be connected to wheels, which can make the robot move Pumps receive electricity which makes them compress liquid through tubes which can make a robotic arm move around. This arm can push, pull, and lift things in the world.
Day 4 - Agenda Finish Inventory Begin programming with sound blocks Discussion/Reflection Giving clear directions – Paper Airplane Definitions of types of processes Review movement programming Begin programming basic movement
Day 5 - Reflection Write directions for your teammates to move through a maze within the classroom Take turns testing each other's directions and see which teammate can write the clearest directions.
Day 5 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Writing directions – Move through a maze Writing directions – Dance moves Begin programming for Dance Competition
Day 6 - Reflection What have you learned about the following things: What is a robot (in your own words) Building a robot Programming a robot What parts do robots need?
Day 6 – Group Activity Watch Search & Rescue Video Clip What do the robots need to be able to perform these functions? Write directions for your teammates to perform a search and rescue mission of a treasure of your choice. Include sensors and loops: Use “until” Use touch sensors
Day 6 – Instruction Understand loops exit with an “until” statement Understand programming of the touch sensor
Day 6 – Challenge/Build Attach a touch sensor to your Bot (pgs 49-53 in large book) Program the touch sensor Write a program for ‘Bump and Run’ using the ‘Loop’ block, where robots must run down a corridor, bump into a wall, and return to the start. Bump & Run Races Have groups which complete this extend the program by putting a ‘Forever’ loop around the previous program to make the robot continuously go back and forth between two walls.
Day 6 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Watch Search & Rescue Video Clip Understanding Programming – Touch Sensor & Loops Writing directions – Search & Rescue Writing directions – Bump & Run Begin programming for Bump & Run Races
Day 7 - Reflection What did you have to change/modify to get your Bot to be able to do the “Bump & Run” Challenge? Change design Change Program Add stabilizers
Day 7 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Finish - Bump and Run – Race Program - Bump, Turn, Continuous Writing directions – Maze
Day 8 - Reflection Within the police department what kind of robots or remote controlled machines do you think they would need? How would they be used?
Day 8 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Police Demonstration Create Maze Writing directions – Maze Program Bot to complete maze
Day 9 – Ultra Sonic Sensor Ultra Sonic sensor sends out a high frequency chirp from one circle and the sound wave bounces off an object and returns to the microphone in the other circle. Because sound travels at a constant speed ~1,125 ft/s the processor can calculate the distance the sensor is from an object and respond based on the programming.
Day 9 – Ultra Sonic Sensor In what situations might an Ultra Sonic sensor fail? Far away Angle Absorbency Multiple surfaces Multiple signals
Day 9 – Writing a Program In your journal write out the program directions for your Bot to make it through the maze using the touch sensor, the ultra sonic sensor and loops.
Day 9 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Ultra Sonic Sensor Writing directions – Maze Program Bot to complete maze using touch and ultra sonic sensors and loops.
Day 10 – Reflection What problems did you have calibrating or working with the Ultra Sonic Sensor? In your journal re-write your program directions for going through the maze following the example on the board.
Day 10 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Ultra Sonic Sensor Re-writing directions – Maze Program Bot to complete maze using touch and ultra sonic sensors and loops. For the groups that finish – Add grabber Arms to your Bot.
Day 11 – Reflection What has your team done well? What does your team need to work on? In what ways have you personally contributed to helping your team be successful? What do you do that might get in the way of your team working together successfully?
Day 11 – Reflection What goals do you have for the remainder of the program? What will you do to work better as a team?
Day 11 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Time Trials – Maze Adding Grabber Arms & Light/Dark Sensor Program Bot to follow a line and grab ball at the end of the line, turn right 90 degrees and drop the ball.
Day 12 – Reflection In what ways can a robot provide companionship?
Day 12 – Reflection Read Time For Kids Article What did you find interesting about the article?
Day 12 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Time Trials – Maze Adding Grabber Arms & Light/Dark Sensor Program Bot to follow a line and grab ball at the end of the line, turn right 90 degrees and drop the ball.
Day 13 – Reflection What have you learned so far about robots and programming?
Day 13 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Finish Time Trials – Maze Adding Grabber Arms & Light/Dark Sensor Program Bot to follow a line and grab ball at the end of the line, turn right 90 degrees and drop the ball.
Day 14 – Reflection What cool things do you think you could create with your LEGO NXT kit?
Day 14 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Plan for Final Projects Adding Grabber Arms & Light/Dark Sensor Program Bot to follow a line and grab ball at the end of the line, turn right 90 degrees and drop the ball. Go through maze, grab toy, turn around and return to start
Day 15 – Reflection What types of projects did you find or are you interested in building for the final project? Parent Invitation to Robotics Showcase Thursday, July 23rd @ 9:30
Day 15 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Plan for Final Projects Time Trails for “Line Follow” and grab ball at the end of the line, turn right 90 degrees and drop the ball. Go through maze, grab toy, turn around and return to start Begin working on Final Project
Day 16 – Reflection What would you like a robot to do for you around the house? Parent Invitation to Robotics Showcase Thursday, July 23rd @ 9:30
Day 16 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Plan for Final Projects Begin working on Final Project
Day 17 – Reflection Should Robots look like humans or should they look like machines? Why does it matter? Read “Why, Robots?” What did you find interesting about the article? Parent Invitation to Robotics Showcase Thursday, July 23rd @ 9:30 AM
Day 17 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Plan for Final Projects Begin working on Final Project
Day 18 – Reflection What is your Final Project designed to do? How can you prove it is a Robot and not a remote controlled machine?
Day 18 – Reflection What have you learned about robots and programming? What has been the biggest challenge for you? What has been the biggest challenge for your group?
Day 18 – Showcase Welcome Parents Robotics Showcase Thursday, July 23rd @ 9:30 AM
Day 18 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Present Final Projects Explain learning to parents
Day 19 – Reflection Robotics Final Write Up
Day 19 - Agenda Discussion/Reflection Inventory Watch Robotics Video Clips