Test out your robot Use the following programming steps activate the Demo Mode. Test your robot’s movements ON THE FLOOR PUT THE ROBOT ON THE GROUND!!!!
Wireless Connection Brick Name Back Used to reverse actions to abort a running program and shut down the unit. Center Used to accept various questions, shut down, select desired settings, select desired program blocks. Left, Right, Up, Down Used to navigate through the contents of the menus. Battery Level USB Connection Attached
RED Startup, Updating, Shutdown RED Pulsing = Busy ORANGE / ORANGE Pulsing Alert, Ready GREEN Ready GREEN Pulsing Running Program The Brick Status Light can also be programed to show different colors and to pulse when different conditions are met.
PC D C B A INPUT PORTS (Sensors) OUTPUT PORTS (Motors) Computer Connection B & C - Large Motors D - Small Motor SPEAKER USB PORTSD CARD SLOT
Previous Programs Run Saved Programs Brick Settings Program Editor
Program StartProgram End Open Saved Program Save the Current Program
Sensors Time Used to give any command a length. Sound Up to 12 sounds pre- programmed into the Brick. Light Can light up in 3 different colors Images Can display different images on the screen Trash Can Deletes the selected command Motors (L) Small Motor (R) Large Motors
All of the commands that you give your robot need a time range. If you want your robot to move in a certain direction, produce a sound, display an image of, flash / change the color of its lights, it must be told for how long to do it.
Controls the two large motors generally used for mobility and steering in mobile robots.
All commands of a program need an ACTION and a length of TIME. START PROGRAM END PROGRAM Run for 2 seconds The motors connected to ports B & C will spin the robot in a CCW circle
Mindstorms EV3 kit contains sensors (rotation, ultrasonic, color/light, gyro, and touch), servo motors, rechargeable battery, ball wheel, connecting cables, and a vast variety of building bricks
An ultrasonic sensor works with waves and often it is used in applications for measure distance between a robot and surrounded objects. The sensor emits sound waves and receives their echoes to detect and measure the distance from one or more objects. The Ultrasonic Sensor is designed for a wide range of applications including measure the distance, detection, or traffic monitoring. Features distance measure up to 250 cm (~100-inch); +/- 1 cm (+/- 0.4-inch) accuracy; recognize other ultrasonic sound;
Used for object detection, follow a line, sorting objects, or detection of a normal or reflected light. The digital EV3 Color Sensor could be used for applications to detect the absence of color, the difference between colors, up to seven different colors, the light intensity. Features detection for up to seven colors; detect the absence of color; it works in ambient light; sample rate of 1 kHz; Auto-ID is built into the EV3 Software;
How a light sensor works Light sensors are also known as “Photoelectric Devices” or “Photo Sensors” since these are designed to convert photons into electrons (electricity). In few words a light sensor has as input light energy (infrared, visible light, or ultraviolet), while the output is an electric signal whose value depends on the amount of light detected by the sensor
Used as assistance in stability of a robot. The mechanical system can determine the rotation and robot orientation on several axes giving the possibility for users to measure the angles and design robots with proper navigation systems. Exploring the features of EV3 Gyro Sensor can be build balancing robots with high accuracy in movements. Features measure rotational motion and changes in its orientation; +/- 3 degrees accuracy; maximum output of 440 degrees/second; sample rate of 1 kHz;
A simple and accurate sensor that can be used in a wide range of applications like games or control systems. With a button in front and an integrated counter, the sensor that can be used in a wide range of applications like games or control systems. Button and a counter for press/release actions of the button. This sensor is usually used for start/stop control systems, games like maze-solving robots, and many other applications. Features cross-axle hole on button ;
Complete the following tasks from the instruction book. Divide up the tasks within your group. You will be evaluated based on the amount you contribute to your team. Follow all the directions carefully and program the robots as described. Feel free to experiment some more with the programs and construction of your robots. Show the teacher all of your successes and accomplishments.
Each person in the group should build one of the following and program another _ Ultrasonic – Gyroscopic – Color Sensor Pages 42 – 47 & 48 – 53 & 69 – 72 Medium Motor Pages 54 – 68 Color Sensor – Touch Sensor Pages 73 – 76 & 77 – 80 ALWAYS TEST ROBOTS ON THE FLOOR!