iKids for Tomorr ow MassCUE Conference October 25, 2012 Sandy Lemon & Mark Whipple
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Our hope for you today......to come away with the idea that: “This is easy” “I can do this” “I can teach them a tool and let them run with it” “It will raise the bar for both me and my students” “Everyone will be engaged”
Overview of Session Introductions: Sandy Lemon & Mark Whipple Grant: Natick Education Foundation Blog: kmslaunchingpad.wordpress.com Hands-On Teacher Activities Student Work Apps Resources
Hands-On Teacher Activity Titanpad.com
What are some of your experiences you have had with iPads in the classroom? (organized by subject/content) What’s your hope for a take-away today? Please buddy up for this activity so we don’t crash!
Classroom Implementation: Language Arts Poetry/Colo r Poems early Oct. lesson
Classroom Implementation: Social Studies Signers of the Declaration mid March lesson
Hands-On Teacher-As- Student Activity 4 Cs: Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking Now it’s your turn!
Pick a group of 2-3 people Decide on a topic of study: link it to your curriculum, or investigate something you have always wanted to learn about! (animal, state, planet, food, sport, movie, cars) Read information about your selected topic, compose a “found poem” including the 5Ws (phrases and words that describe your topic) Drag in an image in to complete your project! Get ready to share...
Apps, Apps, Apps
Paid Apps worth the $
PagesKeynoteGarageBand Grammar AppCardboardTools4Students
Free Apps Not To Miss
DropboxShowMeneu.Annotate NASASmithsonian Science 360
Additional Resources iPad Quick Reference Guide Apple Resources Google it! Sites to know about
Technical Dos and Don’ts File Management: Dropbox, , organizing student files Routines and Expectations Space Try out lessons ahead of time/always have a back-up plan Materials you need Collaboration: think horizontal and vertical
Challenges Apple TV Imaging Buying Apps Installing Apps
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What’s the best piece of information you took away from today’s session? What questions are you still left with? titanpad.com
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