Science vs Pseudoscience Science – body of knowledge based on the study of the natural world Based on scientific inquiry – developing explanations for why things are the way they are It is a creative process and based on observation & experimentation Pseudoscience- information that sounds “scienc-y” but has no rigorous testing and data to back it up driven by cultural or commercial goals astrology (horoscopes), tarot cards, palm reading Fad diets, diet products, infomercials etc Magnet therapy, copper therapy, etc
Scientific Method Observation & Collect Data Ask a Question (Problem) General set of steps that occur NOT a certain order- depends on the question Observation & Collect Data Ask a Question (Problem) Form a hypothesis (and prediction) Experiment (Test hypothesis) Analyze Data Draw Conclusion Repeat & Communicate
1.3 Collecting Data Data – any & all info gathered when solving a problem 2 types: quantitative data: uses numbers – measurements – length, width, height, mass, temp, time (32 cm, 15 g, 18 C, 45 sec) qualitative data: data that describes – red, rough, square Longest phase in investigating
4 Parts of Collecting Data 1. Observation - using 5 senses or tools to see objects or events -BASIS of science Measuring -getting quantitative data – data measured in numbers like length, temp, time, mass Sampling - taking a small part to represent the whole - samples must be LARGE & RANDOM 4. Organizing Data -putting data in a graph, table or chart - data is useless if not organized
Hypothesizing Hypothesis – possible explanation for your question that can be TESTED -it is testable if data can be collected that supports it or not (can’t PROVE it) Prediction- statement made in advance that tell you what to expect in your experiment - is an “if-then” statement
Experimenting Experiment – process of testing a hypothesis by gathering data under controlled conditions 2 Groups Control Group Experimental Group - normal one - 1 factor changed -both groups identical except for the 1 factor that is tested
Variables Independent variable – the one factor that is changed between the control group & experimental group Dependent variable – the effect of the factor that you tested Control – the group that was not tested, it was normal – used to compare your results to Constant – all the factors that are the same between the control & experimental group
Models Modeling – a visual, verbal, or mathematical explanation of data - last step in experimenting -makes concepts easier to understand because it makes your data VISIBLE -makes really big or really small things easier to understand -pictures, equations, physical models
Analyzing Data Analyzing data process of determining if it’s reliable and supportive of your hypothesis -does it make sense? Does your data support your hypothesis Does your data make you appear “wrong”?
Drawing Conclusions Inferring – conclusion based on facts not observations - see smoke, infer a fire even if you don’t see it
Solving Problems & Communicating Scientific Method – Steps a scientist uses to solve a problem – -Not all problems solved the same way – depends on the problem Results must be communicated – -in journals, meetings, papers -allow others to build on to the work & make sure it’s right
Theory vs Law Theory- broad, comprehensive statement of what is thought to be true based on many supported hypothesis -based on a LOT of data from different studies Law – a “pattern in nature” that ALWAYS happens in the same circumstance -of Gravity = objects fall toward Earth Law of Inertia = object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless a force causes it to change