Monday -Thursday 8:00am – 5:50pm Closing call announcement at 6:50pm M-TH Spring 2013Phone #: (ASC) Room #: SCC D-209Phone #: (LAB)
Lab section is already selected If a list of courses does not appear, please request help from staff 4 If you type your I.D. number, press the ENTER key to continue If your name doesn’t show press Cancel and try again To SIGN IN and OUT of the Academic Success Center Type or Scan your ID number to log in
5 The CI Tracking System will display each students’ total time earned for the current semester Always make sure the screen indicates “Your Visit Has Ended” before exiting the lab Once login has been successfully completed, a “Your Session Has Started” message should appear Always make sure the screen indicates your session has started before taking a seat
6 Lab personnel has the right to ask you to leave for not complying with the Lab Rules. The following are NOT allowed Using the network for personal use (Checking , Facebook or any social media like You Tube) NO FOOD OR DRINKS are permitted in the lab. DO NOT log anyone into or out of the lab but yourself and MUST LOG OUT if leaving for more than 5 minutes. Students should not log into the lab while class is still in session. ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONE USE: TALKING, OR TEXTING IN THE LAB. It is the SCC student’s responsibility to read and understand the College Policies and Procedures. Detailed College Policies and Procedures are found in the SCC Catalog. Lab student code of conduct
All lab activities are monitored: SCC staff and college personnel reserve the right to monitor any and/or all student computer activities in this room with the use of monitoring software and other technologies. 7
8 A minimum of TWO HOURS per week isrequired To receive full credit for the week, you can complete these hours in one visit or it can be broken up into multiple visits throughout the week. As long as the total time for the week equals two hours, you will receive full credit for that week. No roll-over time. Turn off or mute any personal electronic devices that may be disruptive. Speak softly when repeating your lessons. Do not turn off computer. Close all applications opened, and return computer back to its desktop. Please!, Please! Push in keyboard tray and chair before exiting the lab.
IMPORTANT 9 YOU WILL RECEIVE credit for your visit EVERY TIME you forget to SIGN OUT!
10 IT’S THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP TRACK OF MINIMUM WEEKLY REQUIREMENT NO printing allowed in the lab. Sorry for the inconvenience.
13 On the desktop: Double click on Language Lab folder Double click on Spanish folder Double click on Centro Home Internet Shortcut Click on “Create an Account” COURSE CODE: