Creating First Class Web Pages Log into your account
Desktop Appears
Press this icon
This icon will create a Homepage Folder on your desktop Here
Double click your homepage Folder icon; it will open the folder
Your folder will be empty initially 1. Then go to FILE at the top of your screen 2. Then click on NEW 3. The click on new document special 4. The click on Personal web page 5. Change name to home page (2 words)
The window that will open will look like this
Any text or pictures you now add to this page will be internet ready. Text is enlarged, centered and colored just as in a regular . Pictures may be added by dragging them onto the page You may make several pages and then link them together
To link pages type in the word or words you will use to click on to bring you to the new page. Then highlight these word or words. Highlight your link, like at the left, and then, open your homepage folder. Highlight the page you have created to link to this page. Drag your new Personal Web Page over the highlighted text and release. You have made a link.
Drag onto highlight
Link option 2 (Highlight)
Press Link Icon
Link box will appear, drag page you want to link from your file to link box then click OK