Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Conducting Library Research Graziano and Raulin Research Methods: Appendix C This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: (1) Any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; (2) Preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; (3) Any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Using the Library A college or university library may house or have access to millions of books and journal articles A college or university library may house or have access to millions of books and journal articles The reference librarian can help you learn how to do a library search The reference librarian can help you learn how to do a library search In this electronic age, the library is more accessible and useful than ever In this electronic age, the library is more accessible and useful than ever
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Library Resources Libraries contain many kinds of documents and resources Libraries contain many kinds of documents and resources –Primary sources, such as research journals –Secondary sources, such as book chapters –Abstract and keyword search services –Literature citation indexes Electronic access to these resources are the norm in college and university libraries Electronic access to these resources are the norm in college and university libraries
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Primary Sources Publish the details of specific research projects Publish the details of specific research projects –Journal articles Thousands of journals covering every topic imaginable Thousands of journals covering every topic imaginable Abstract services makes it easy to find relevant journal articles Abstract services makes it easy to find relevant journal articles –Dissertations Available through interlibrary loan or University Microfilms Available through interlibrary loan or University Microfilms
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Secondary Sources Secondary sources provide reviews of broad areas of research Secondary sources provide reviews of broad areas of research Review articles in journals or books Review articles in journals or books –Provide integrative reviews of a research area –Some journals specialize in these kinds of integrative reviews Books and edited books Books and edited books –Provide extensive reviews without the typical space constraints of journal reviews
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Finding the Relevant Research Searching randomly for the information you want is a hopeless task Searching randomly for the information you want is a hopeless task Abstract and keyword search services allow you to track down information by author, title, and most importantly, topic Abstract and keyword search services allow you to track down information by author, title, and most importantly, topic Citation indexes allow you to find sources by identifying papers that reference a relevant paper Citation indexes allow you to find sources by identifying papers that reference a relevant paper
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Abstracting Services Abstracting services provide information on a wide range of sources (journal articles, books, chapters in books, magazine articles, etc.) in a standard format that includes an abstract of each source Abstracting services provide information on a wide range of sources (journal articles, books, chapters in books, magazine articles, etc.) in a standard format that includes an abstract of each source Widely used abstract services Widely used abstract services –Psychological Abstracts –Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC)
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Subject and Keyword Services Virtually identical to abstract services except they do not include the abstract Virtually identical to abstract services except they do not include the abstract –Topic searches are conducted by title, keyword, or subject searches Common keyword or subject services Common keyword or subject services –Library catalogs (often online) –Books in Print (for all published books) –Index Medicus (for medical journals) –Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature (for magazine and other popular literature)
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Citation Indexes Lists the articles, books, or chapters that reference a specific paper Lists the articles, books, or chapters that reference a specific paper Valuable for finding studies that build on previous research, because they will reference the previous work Valuable for finding studies that build on previous research, because they will reference the previous work Useful Citation Indexes Useful Citation Indexes –Social Science Citation Index –Science Citation Index
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Search Strategies Many ways to find information Many ways to find information –Search by topic –Search by author, using authors who you know specialize in the area –Check out the references in relevant articles –Use citation indexes to find articles that cite classic articles in a field
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Search by Topic The most common search strategy The most common search strategy Abstract and keyword indexes are structured for topic searches Abstract and keyword indexes are structured for topic searches –Most are now computerized –Sophisticated computer searches are possible using Boolean operators (OR & AND) Identify all the work of authors you find who have done a lot of work in the field Identify all the work of authors you find who have done a lot of work in the field
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Searching Backwards Relevant research will likely reference other relevant research Relevant research will likely reference other relevant research Identify recent relevant studies and look through their reference sections Identify recent relevant studies and look through their reference sections Not a substitute for a topic search, but it is a good supplementary strategy Not a substitute for a topic search, but it is a good supplementary strategy
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Searching Forward In most areas, there will be one or more articles that are SO critical that they will be referenced by every related study In most areas, there will be one or more articles that are SO critical that they will be referenced by every related study –Citation indexes can be used to find the studies that reference these classic studies Again, not a substitute for a topic search, but a good supplementary strategy Again, not a substitute for a topic search, but a good supplementary strategy
Copyright © Allyn & Bacon (2007) Summary The library is a tremendous source of information The library is a tremendous source of information The reference librarian can be invaluable The reference librarian can be invaluable Available resources include primary (e.g., journals) and secondary (e.g., book chapters) sources of research information Available resources include primary (e.g., journals) and secondary (e.g., book chapters) sources of research information Abstract journals and citation indexes (often computerized) simplify the search process Abstract journals and citation indexes (often computerized) simplify the search process