SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, HIV/AIDS, CONTRACEPTION, & ABSTINENCE Identify common STD’s & problems they cause Explain how people become infected with HIV & develop AIDS Explain how to protect yourself against these diseases What contraception is Explain why abstinence is the best prevention
BASIC FACTS ABOUT STD’S (P ROVIDED BY A MERICAN S OCIAL H EALTH A SSOCIATION ) STD’s refer to a variety of bacterial, viral and parasitic infections that are acquired through sexual activity. STD’s are caused by more than 25 infectious organisms. As more organisms are identified, the number of STD’s continues to expand. U.S. has the highest STD rates of any country in the industrialized world. Each year 9 million new cases of STD’s occur among young people aged By age 25, ½ of all sexually active young people get an STD
AWARENESS & EDUCAITON ARE KEY… Anyone who is sexually active can get an STD You can have more than one STD at a time Sometimes symptoms are not present… STD’s if left untreated can cause permanent damage, such as infertility and even death. On average, one in every four new STD’s occur in teenagers… What does that look like in the general population? How can you prevent this from happening to you?
A BSTINENCE A choice to refrain (or not engage in) from an activity (i.e. sexual activity) The only 100% guarantee in preventing infections & pregnancy List your top 10 choices to support abstinence
CONTRACEPTION Birth Control – prevention against pregnancy only Condoms – prevention against both STD’s & pregnancy, but only 97% effective HORMONAL METHODNON-HORMONAL METHOD WHAT MIGHT BE THE DISADVANTAGES OF USING EITHER METHOD?
?Ntt=std%27s#selItemsPerPage=20&int CurrentPage=0&No=0&N=18342&Ne=1 8339&Ntt=std's&Ns=&Nr=&browseFilte r=&indexVersion=&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode %252Bmatchallpartial STD’S STANDARD DEVIANT – VIDEO
HIV/AIDS What is the difference between HIV & AIDS? HIV=Human Immunodificiency Virus AIDS=Acquired Immunodiffiency Syndrome ( disease ) The virus attacks T cells. As more T cells are taken over, the immune system becomes weaker. The virus can incubate for several years Eventually the body can no longer fight off pathogens & the person develops AIDS as a result of having low T cell count & a number of opportunistic infections & non-communicable diseases.
H OW DOES HIV SPREAD – OR NOT SPREAD Casual contact with another does NOT put you at risk Tears Sweat Saliva Bodily fluids: Blood Semen Vaginal fluids Breast milk MYTHSFACTS