History of the English Bible Family Fellowship May 18, 2014
Early Church – before “English” First Five Centuries – over 500 translations. AD 600 – “Latin only” decree by the Pope. AD 900 – Began to enforce the “Latin only” decree.
Translation into Gothic Translation by Ulfilis
Precursors to English Bible -or- It happened this way…
The Norman Conquest Major changes in Language. Infusion of French “Word splits” (like beef and veal.) “God lufode middan- eard swa, dat he seade his an-cennedan sunu, dat nan ne forweorde de on hine gely ac habbe dat ece lif.“ John 3:16 Wessex Gospels, 995 AD
Major Factors Corruption of the church Courage of scholars to oppose it “Personal Piety” movement Sins of Henry 8 th Invention of the printing press with moveable type.
Overview of Bible Development
History is the shadow of great men. Wycliffe Gutenberg Erasmus Tyndale
Wycliffe Superb scholar – poor politician Authority of Scripture Translated from the Vulgate Ideas carried to Bohemia by John Hus
Johann Gutenberg First to print with movable type First book so printed was Latin Bible Died broke – business partner
Erasmus Collated and cross checked several Greek manuscripts Produced a parallel Greek/Latin New Testament. Inadvertently gave us the “Textus Receptus”
Tyndale First Bible printed in English (using Erasmus) Burned at the stake Three years after his death, Henry 8 th commissions the “Great Bible”
“Official” Bibles Authorized by Somebody!
Henry 8 th No Divorce? No problem! Created Anglican Church Commissioned Myles Coverdale to create “Great Bible” Followed by “Bloody Mary”
Geneva Bible Not authorized – but prompted King James First to have chapters and verses! Extensive, biased notes Printed 1560 – popular for about 100 years
King James Invented committee translation No doctrinal footnotes “The Bible of the English Speaking Peoples” Baskerville spelling reform 1769
Modern Versions A large number!
New International Version Benefits ◦ Differing Versions – by footnotes. ◦ 6 th grade reading level ◦ Phrase by phrase translation ◦ “Seeker Friendly” (politically correct) ◦ Most used from the pulpit Drawbacks Pro-homosexual bias “Gender neutral”
Other Modern Translations New American Standard, etc. Bible in Basic English (special needs) Paraphrases such as Living Bible Updated King James