Authors $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Charact er Tyles Moveme nts Stories/ Poems Stories 2 Misc Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4 $200
Topic 1: $100 Experimented with several different poetic forms, often trying to recreate the rhythm of jazz and blues music Answer
Topic 1: $100 Who is Langston Hughes? Return to Main
Topic 1: $200 Answer Wrote what is regarded as his finest novel, The Grapes of Wrath, in 1939 about the Joad family, Oklahoma farmers dispossessed of their land, and forced to become migrant workers in CA
Topic 1: $200 Return to Main Who is John Steinbeck?
Topic 1: $300 Answer He was so inspired by his home that he created this fictional county and wrote a series of novels about the decay of traditional values as small communities became swept up in the modern age.
Topic 1: $300 Return to Main Who is William Faulkner?
Topic 1: $400 Answer Was both a poet and a pediatrician in NJ
Topic 1: $400 Return to Main Who is William Carlos Williams?
Topic 1: $500 Answer Known for innovative poetic techniques and focus on the despair of modern urban life
Topic 1: $500 Return to Main Who is T.S. Eliot?
Topic 2: $100 Answer Creator of art drawn from the African American experience represented by Hughes, McKay, Cullen and Hurston Creator of art drawn from the African American experience represented by Hughes, McKay, Cullen and Hurston
Topic 2: $100 Return to Main What is the African American Artist?
Topic 2: $200 Answer wanderer through a war- wearied landscape, spiritually exhausted, in search of new values- defined by T.S. Eliot.
Topic 2: $200 Return to Main Who are Denizens of the Wasteland?
Topic 2: $300 Answer believer in the innate strength of those who remain close to the land- led by Faulkner, Welty, and Steinbeck
Topic 2: $300 Return to Main Who are the Triumphant Commoners?
Scores Proceed
Topic 2: $400 Answer Disillusioned, self-indulgent, escapist, expatriated, embodied by Fitzgerald and Hemingway Disillusioned, self-indulgent, escapist, expatriated, embodied by Fitzgerald and Hemingway
Topic 2: $400 Return to Main Who are Members of the Lost Generation?
Topic 2: $500 Answer believer in the saving power of art, and imagination, championed by Pound, Stevens, Williams, Cummings, Moore, and Frost
Topic 2: $500 Return to Main Who are the Poetic Makers.
Topic 3: $100 Answer “A Rose for Emily” belong to this movement.
Topic 3: $100 Return to Main What is Modernism?
Topic 3: $200 Answer “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” belong to this movement.
Topic 3: $200 Return to Main What is the Harlem Renaissance?
Topic 3: $300 Answer “At the Station of the Metro” belong to this movement.
Topic 3: $300 Return to Main What is imagism?
Topic 3: $400 Answer “Hills Like White Elephants” belongs to this movement.
Topic 3: $400 Return to Main What is Modernism?
Topic 3: $500 Answer “The Red Wheelbarrow” belongs to this movement.
Topic 3: $500 Return to Main What is imagism?
Topic 4: $100 Answer The theme of this story is : Remain steadfast in your goals and you will be successful
Topic 4: $100 Return to Main What is “The Turtle?”
Topic 4: $200 Answer This poem conveys the idea that human life moves too fast and is fragile
Topic 4: $200 Return to Main What is “At the Station of the Metro?”
Topic 4: $300 Answer This poem asserts that “much depends upon little.”
Topic 4: $300 Return to Main What is “The Red Wheelbarrow”
Topic 4: $400 Answer This poem traces the African American experience through the rivers surrounding important civilizations.
Topic 4: $400 Return to Main What is “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.”
Topic 4: $500 Answer In this story, the relationship between the protagonists and members of the town represent the clash between modernity and the ways of the past.
Topic 4: $500 Return to Main What is “A Rose for Emily.”
Topic 5: $100 Answer This poem is a dramatic monologue with an ironic title.
Topic 5: $100 Return to Main What is “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”
Topic 5: $200 Answer This poem was originally 30 lines and was whittled down to 15 words.
Topic 5: $200 Return to Main What is “At the Station of the Metro.”
Topic 5: $300 Answer In this story, the primary conflict is a character’s unplanned pregnancy.
Topic 5: $300 Return to Main What is “Hills Like White Elephants?”
Topic 5: $400 Answer This poem questions whether dreams that are delayed ever explode.
Topic 5: $400 Return to Main What is “Harlem, 1951?”
Topic 5: $500 Answer In this story, the protagonist serves as a symbol for a family who is traveling across the country to find work.
Topic 5: $500 Return to Main What is “The Turtle?”
Topic 6: $100 Answer This author had specific rules for writing poetry.
Topic 6: $100 Return to Main Who is Ezra Pound?
Topic 6: $200 Answer This movement looked to make the reader worker harder while reading.
Topic 6: $200 Return to Main What is Modernism?
Topic 6: $300 Answer This movement tried to capture moment in a single snapshot.
Topic 6: $300 Return to Main What is imagism?
Topic 6: $400 Answer This author’s writing was similar to that of the Naturalists.
Topic 6: $400 Return to Main Who is John Steinbeck?
Topic 6: $500 Answer This movement strove to express the trials and achievements of a particular group of people.
Topic 6: $500 Return to Main What is the Harlem Reniassance?
Symbolism Proceed
Answer In “Hills Like White Elephants,” what is the white elephant gift?
Return to Main Jig’s pregnancy.