Hiring Process Fact Sheet This fact sheet outlines Goddard Space Flight Center’s hiring process, which is based on the Office of Personnel Management's 80 day hiring model. The hiring process is continually assessed for refinement to ensure the Center is well positioned to compete for top talent, while considering the government wide goal of 80 days. Detailed guidance is provided on the Hiring Process Checklist for Hiring Managers. For more information, please contact your Human Resources Specialist.Hiring Process Checklist for Hiring ManagersHuman Resources Specialist 6/26/2013 Prework Understand Directorate's internal hiring processes by working with Administrative Officer Have strategic conversation to include position management, consideration of veterans and individuals with disabilities, and possible recruitment incentives Review, update or develop position description (PD) Classify PD, if needed Perform job analysis and skills selection Consider if a Subject Matter Expert (SME) may be needed to help assess qualifications Draft vacancy announcement Review vacancy announcement Discuss tentative dates Provide guidance and best practices on interview panels Begin planning for interviews by identifying panel members, location of the interviews, and blocking off time for interviews Initiation of RFE to date vacancy opens (10 calendar days) Initiate request for eligibles (RFE) Approve RFE Review and commit to dates Vacancy open date to vacancy close date (10 calendar days) Post vacancy announcement Inform the manager of the number of applicants before the closing date Vacancy close date to certificate issued (16 calendar days) Evaluate resumes of applicants Request an SME, if needed Confirm expected date to issue certificate Finalize interview plans, including confirming panel members, interview location and times, and questions for interviews Issue certificate Notify all applicants about referral status Certificate issued to certificate returned (15 calendar days) Access certificate in Human Resources (HR) Portal Review resumes to determine who will be interviewed Finalize interview schedule with panel members Conduct interviews Conduct reference checks Obtain approval for selection (using Directorate guidelines) Make selection in HR Portal (indicate alternate selections, if possible) Consider possible recruitment incentives. Begin completing recruitment incentive form, if needed Certificate returned to tentative offer (3 calendar days) Audit selection Make tentative offer Tentative offer to selectee’s start date (26 calendar days) Finalize determination if recruitment incentives are required Provide recruitment incentive form, including justification and Directorate approval Analyze recruitment incentive request to ensure it meets applicable criteria, make recommendation, and obtain appropriate OHCM or Center approvals Establish start date Make final offer Notify referred applicants of outcome, offering de-brief to interviewed applicants Debrief applicants, upon request