What is Energy Mr. Herman
Energy Energy- is the ability to do work Energy is in everything that we do or use in our day to day life. Energy Efficentcy Doe. Accessed October 6, /energy%20efficiency%20doe.jpg. What is Energy?
Types of Energy One type of energy is Potential energy is energy that is stored. There are many different types of potential energy such as: gravitational, chemical, electric and nuclear. Low, Jarod. "Carowinds-intimidator-Aug09-2." Digital image. Aviation Physics. Accessed October 6,
Types of Energy Kinetic energy as described in our example is movement or motion. Examples for kinetic energy are: thermal, sound and electrical. Bullock, Joel. "Intimidator at Carowinds - First Drop | The Coaster CriticThe Coaster Critic." The Coaster Critic. Accessed October 06, roller-coaster-reviews.html/intimidator-at-carowinds-first-drop.
Lets have fun with it! Go to thrills thrills To create your own custom roller coaster remember you have to have enough kinetic energy to access your potential energy.
What has Energy? Everything on this earth has some sort of energy. All the energy on this earth is derived from the Sun. The sun powers photosynthesis, plants ability to use sunlight to create potential chemical energy "The_Sun1." Digital image. Star Wikipedia. Accessed October 6,
How do we as Humans obtain Energy? Take a nice bucket of fried chicken for example The chicken eats grains and other vegetables that are produce from photosynthesis. When we eat the chicken our body breaks down the chemical energy Then stores the Energy as Potential energy "Menu | Popeyes." Digital image. Menu | Popeyes. Accessed October 06,
Where does Energy come from? Energy does not just magically appear. Energy transforms to different types of energy. Energy transformations come from various energy sources. "Ethanol Fuel Diagram." Digital image. Energy Center J.U.S.T. Accessed October 6,
Example of Energy Transformations When you are playing a video game the electricity that you game system and TV are using more than likely came from a power plant. "Red Ring Death." Digital image. Accessed October 6,
"Ponce Electric Inc." Digital image. Poncelectriccom RSS. Accessed October 06,
How does a Power Plant work? Power Plants use the transformation of Thermal Energy typically by burning fossil fuels such as coal The Burning of Coal creates steam The steam turns a turbine that powers a generator The electric generator then creates electricity. Power Plant
Different types of Energy to power The Plant? The energy sources that energized the plant can be placed into two different categories: Renewable energy and Nonrenewable energy.
Renewable Energy Renewable energy is energy that can be re created or is replenished. Renewable energy sources are identified as a clean source of energy (minor impact on our environment.) The sun creates thermal (heat) as well as radiant (light) energy.
What are some examples of Renewable energy. The environment changes the suns energy resulting in other renewable energy such as: Solar, Wind, Biomass and hydropower. /renewable-energy.jpg
Non-Renewable Energy Non-renewable energy does not get replenished for a very long time. Most non-renewable energy sources appear from the ground in liquid, gas or solids. are also harmful to the environment, however non-renewable energy makes up 85% of our energy.
What are some examples of Non- Renewable energy There are many different forms of non-renewable energy such as: Oil and petroleum products, Natural gas, Coal, and Uranium. renewable-sources-of-energy.php
Bibliography 1 "Energy Basics," EIA Energy Kids -, 1, accessed October 5, 2013, "Forms of Energy," EIA Energy Kids -, 2, accessed September 27, 2013, "Raytheon - MathMovesU." Raytheon's MathMovesU: Making Math and Science Fun for Middle Schoolers. Accessed October 27, Woodman, Robort. "How a Coal Power Station Works." YouTube. September 28, Accessed October 27, "What Is Energy?" YouTube. March 24, Accessed October 27,