Managing natural enemies Anna Fiedler and Doug Landis Michigan State University
Ecosystem Services Pollination Decomposition Biological Control
Use of natural enemies to keep unwanted pest populations low Biological Control Use of natural enemies to keep unwanted pest populations low
Three types of Natural Enemies Predators: eat many prey in a lifetime, feeding both as young and as adults. Parasitoids: specialized insects that develop as a young in one host, eventually killing it. Pathogens: nematodes, viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans.
Types of Biological Control Classical: introduction of non-native natural enemy to control a pest population. Augmentative: periodically increase natural enemy population with an artificially reared release. Conservation: maintain or enhance existing natural enemy populations.
What do beneficial insects need? Alternate host/prey Shelter Moderated microclimates In-season refuges Overwintering sites Food Nectar Pollen Sap, honeydew Pred require prey, ptoids require hosts. When nes are provided with these addt’l resources, ne pops will increase so that nes have potential to better control pest insect populations. Nectar: sugar Pollen: protein Known as hab mgmt.
Historical Landscapes Prairie Oak savanna Diverse habitats provide - Biodiversity - Pest suppression - Pollination Habitats missing from the current landscape are prairie and oak savanna
Native Plant Project Goals Use native plants to provide beneficial insects with nectar and pollen. Decrease pesticide use and increase pollination.
Exotic Plants Benefits Disadvantages Reliable seed or plant sources Prolific floral display Previous success in other locations Disadvantages Do not enhance native biodiversity May be invasive Exotic plants used both in agriculture and horticulture for several reasons. Three of the most common include (from top to bottom): dill, phacelia, and buckwheat. Dill is has invaded the field pictured here, and buckwheat re-seeds readily so may act weedy in some cases. phacelia coriander alyssum buckwheat
Native Plants Benefits Disadvantages Enhance native biodiversity Re-creation of imperiled habitats Less likely to be invasive Adapted to local climate Habitat permanency Disadvantages Greater initial cost Longer establishment time Non-native plants have traditionally been used to provide beneficial insects with nectar, pollen, and habitat. Native plants have their own set of benefits. Describe study (tested 43 native flowering and 5 non-native species over 2 years)
Natural Enemies Collected at Flowers 30% 25% Canth=11%, ARACH=7% 2005 data
Incorporating native plants on your farm Use local native plants. Choose several colors of flowers. Plant flowers in clumps. Select flowers to provide bloom through the season. More flower area = more beneficial insects! Include native grasses for structural support
Beneficial Insect Friendly Practices Provide nesting and overwintering resources. Avoid insecticide use. Provide flowers through growing season.
Native Plants in the Landscape Photos of roadways, yards, ag fields
Establishing native plants Select a site Analyze the site Consider planting options Size of area Time to flowering Cost Plan and design the planting Plant Maintenance Short term Long term <500 ft2, use rooted plant material. >1000ft2 use seed unless irrigated. May combine the two for plants difficult to est from seed. Plants:1-2 years to flower. Seed: 3-4 yrs.
Select a Site Consider the amount of sunlight. Many areas have potential for planting with native plants
Analyze the site Consider Soil type Soil moisture Soil pH Light availability Soil type Soil moisture Soil pH <500 ft2, use rooted plant material. >1000ft2 use seed unless irrigated. May combine the two for plants difficult to est from seed. Plants:1-2 years to flower. Seed: 3-4 yrs.
Select Plant species Suited to conditions Variety of bloom periods Include wildflowers and grasses Local seed or plant source Seed vs. plant material <500 ft2, use rooted plant material. >1000ft2 use seed unless irrigated. May combine the two for plants difficult to est from seed. Plants:1-2 years to flower. Seed: 3-4 yrs. Pre-reserve seed or plant Michigan Wildflower Farm
Site Preparation Yard Typical ag field Weedy site (old field) – Treat with roundup fall or mid-spring – Smother 2-3 months when growing Typical ag field 1 year fallow Repeated light tillings Weedy site (old field) Burn or plow 24 species
Plant or Seed <500 ft2, use rooted plant material. >1000ft2 use seed unless irrigated. May combine the two for plants difficult to est from seed. Plants:1-2 years to flower. Seed: 3-4 yrs.
Plant or Seed <500 ft2, use rooted plant material. >1000ft2 use seed unless irrigated. May combine the two for plants difficult to est from seed. Plants:1-2 years to flower. Seed: 3-4 yrs.
Maintenance Weed your native planting OR 1) Mow a seeding 2-4 times in year one 1-2 times in year two 2) Burn or mow annually <500 ft2, use rooted plant material. >1000ft2 use seed unless irrigated. May combine the two for plants difficult to est from seed. Plants:1-2 years to flower. Seed: 3-4 yrs.
Learn More Native Plants to Enhance Beneficial Insects website 24 species E-2973 E-2949
Learn More Contact a native plant producer: Acorus Native Plant Nursery Native Plant Source – may not be local seed 24 species
Acknowledgements Research collaborators Bill Schneider, Wildtype Native Plant Nursery Esther Durnwald, MI Wildflower Farm Jerry Stewart, Native Connections Gene Vogel, Richard Stuckey Rufus Isaacs, Julianna Tuell USDA NRCS Ingham County Soil Conservation District MSU IPM Identification support Gary Parsons Dr. Debra Trock Undergraduate research assistants Jessica Steffen Dawn Richards Emily Knoblock Funding Support USDA Sustainable Agriculture Special Grant Wildtype native plant nursery, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Farmer collaborators, Pollination researchers