In 20 th Session of the IGG on Tea (Colombo, 30 Jan - 1 Feb 2012) The Group recommended “harmonization of tea MRLs” be changed to "Achieve global cooperation obtaining MRLs in tea“. Intergovernmental Action [Ref Doc:CCP 12/14 E, Feb 2012 ] Intergovernmental Action Plan To finalize priority list of pesticides. To finalize the pesticide use list of different countries Consuming countries to assist producing countries identify new compounds To identify common compounds, to produce residue data collectively To setup a communication plan to disseminate inform ation to all stakeholders
1. Priority list prepared & updated with 61 pesticides Currently used compounds Replacements for older chemicals New pesticides with potential use in future 2. Data generation on residues in tea [China, India, Sri Lanka] Acetamiprid, Emamactin benzoate, Flubendiamide, oxyfluorfen &, thiacloprid 3. Data submission to Codex, national regulators Progress since the last Session Two Intersessional Meetings : Washington DC, 17 & 18 Sep 2012 Rome, 5 & 6 May 2014
Suggestion on Decision Tree The approved use in the producing country should be the main criteria for selecting a pesticide for use in tea. “Secondary Standards” in addition to above would leave little choice available for pesticides use in tea.
Agreed to submit field trial data tor 10 pesticides Acetamiprid: 8 trials data available [Scope for submission by Japan, India & China] Hexaconazole: 11 trials data available [Scope for submission by Sri Lanka & India] Propiconazole: 11 trials data available [Scope for submission by Sri Lanka & India] Chlorfluazuron: 10 trials data available [Scope for submission by Sri Lanka & Japan] Fipronil : 8 trials data available [Scope for submission by Sri Lanka] Imidacloprid: 12 trials data available [Scope for submission by India, Japan, & Sri Lanka, for Evaluation 2015)]
Flufenoxuron: 8 trials data [Evaluation 2014] MCPA: 8 trials data [Scope for submission by Sri Lanka] Ethion: 12 trials data [Scope for submission by India] Pyroclostrobin: 8 trial data [Scope for submission by Sri Lanka] Scope of Global cooperation in obtaining MRLs in tea
Status of data submission during India China Japan Under 2013 JMPR Follow-up Evaluation Schedule, Propiconazole & Fenpyroximate in Dec, 2012 Under 2014 JMPR Follow-up Evaluation Schedule 2,4-D and Imidacloprid in Mar JMPR Evaluation, Indoxacarb in JMPR Evaluation, Tolfenpyrad ( by Registrant ) JMPR Evaluations 2014 completed evaluations (Sep 2014 update) Fenpropathrin – 3 mg/kg Flufenoxuron – 20 mg/kg
GLOBAL COOPERATION ON INTERNATIONAL MRLS In progress USA Canada Australia Codex Number of MRLs for tea
GLOBAL COOPERATION ON INTERNATIONAL MRLS USA 1 new MRL in 2014 – tolfenpyrad 30 mg/kg Pending with EPA: L-cyhalothrin, azoxystrobin Tea Assoc. USA petition: propiconazole, 2 nd planned Registrant engagement: petitions expected & discussions ongoing Canada 1 new MRL 2014 – spiromesifen 60 mg/kg 6 petitions pending with PMRA & 1 on hold Canada Tea Assoc.: 3 priority compounds for Registrant engagement
The Food Safety & Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) has also Initiated harmonization of its standards with that of Codex through e-working groups. The work expected to be completed by end of 2014.c A submission has been made in Australia in Jan 2014 requesting adoption of the EU/Codex MRLs for thiacloprid, spiromesifen, clothianidin, etoxazole, hexythiazox, thiamethoxam & chlorfenapyr. Harmonization of National Standards with Codex & other International Standards India Australia [( for Standards Deveop- ment.pdf )]
AUSTRALIA DEVELOPMENTS 31 October 2014 M1010 Proposal on MRLs Endosulfan 30 mg/kg to be withdrawn Open for comments until 28 th November 2014 New MRLS Chlorfenapyr 50 mg/kgChlorpyrifos-methyl 0.1 mg/kg Clothianidin 0.7 mg/kgDiflubenzuron 0.1 mg/kg Etoxazole 15 mg/kgFenpyroximate 0.1 mg/kg Hexythiazox 4 mg/kgFlubendiamide 0.02 mg/kg Spiromesifen 50 mg/kgPermethrin 0.1 mg/kg Thiacloprid 10 mg/kgTebufenpyrad 0.1 mg/kg Thiamethoxam 20 mg/kgTriadimefon 0.2 mg/kg Kresoxim-methyl 15 mg/kgTriadimenol 0.2 mg/kg Tridemorph 0.05 mg/kg
Action taken on Propargite [EU notification to WTO (Notification G/SPS/N/EU/72 : MRL 5mg/kg to 0.05 mg/kg] (1) Argentina & India sent communications to EU on the essentiality of propargite use in tea (2) India carried out a study on Propargite metabolites in tea in colla- boration with M/S Chemtura (USA) in Aug-Sep (3) Manufacturer to submit more data to reinstate the MRL.
Anthraquinone in Tea Anthraquinone is not used in tea as a pesticide. Reported detection in tea Emerging as a major problem in tea export to Europe. Source of contamination in tea is being studied. Members agreed to share available information.
Communication plan submission timetable with Codex CCPR national contact points. Provided guidelines on information to be submitted through the national contact points. A comparative table of MRLs for tea in producing / consuming countries will be made available. Communicate & seek support from manufacturers to meet the requirement for fixing MRLs in export destination countries as well as producing countries. Special Communication to negate adverse publicity. Networking on any emerging issues to share available information and to identify potential solutions.
(1) Continue assessing status of field trials for setting Codex MRLs & submission of the list for advance notification to FAO-IGG & National Codex Points. (2) Continue updating priority list based on new information on regulatory status or Replacements or new compounds for potential use in Tea. (3) Communication plan for quick information exchange and advance notification for simultaneous data submission by members & seeking manufacturers support and to negate adverse publicity. (4) Any change in regulatory status should be communicated to the WG. (5) Data submission to include brew factor based risk assessment for all teas traded globally except Matcha Tea. (6) To share available information on emerging issues (e.g.,Anthraquinone) (7) Explore scope for capacity building for data generation in producing countries and funding options. Way Forward
(8) Investigate scope for a global tea GAP / GMP document for quality within FAO or other organisation
Thank you