{ Medical Science Trivia Night Lymphatic system and Immunity
1. 1. What is the ability to resist infection and disease through the activation of specific defenses? (1) What is the primary function of the lymphatic system? (1) Name the three types of circulating lymphocytes (3) and choose one to describe its main function (1) _____________ are large lymphoid nodules located in the walls of the pharynx. (1) What is the role of this nodules? (1) Name an organ that is involved in the lymphatic system. (1) What is it’s main function? (1) Organization of the Lymphatic System
1. 1. What is the ability to resist infection and disease through the activation of specific defenses? (1) Immunity What is the primary function of the lymphatic system? (1) Produce, maintain, and distribute lymphocytes Name the three types of circulating lymphocytes (3) and choose one to describe its main function (1) T-Cells: Directly attack foreign cells or body cells infected by viruses B-Cells: Produce antibodies which react with antigens NK Cells: Attack foreign cells, normal cells infected with viruses, cancer cells
4. 4. _____________ are large lymphoid nodules located in the walls of the pharynx. (1) What is the role of this nodules? (1) 1. Tonsils 2. Guard the entrance of the digestive and respiratory tracts Name an organ that is involved in the lymphatic system. (1) What is it’s main function? (1) 1. Lymph Nodes: Filter and purify lymph before it reaches the venous system 2. Spleen: Filters blood and initiates the response of B and T cells 3. Thymus: Site of T-cell production and maturation
1. True or false? If the statement is false make it true by changing the underline word. -Nonspecific defenses protect against particular threats. (2) -Nonspecific defenses are inherited. (2) -Nonspecific defenses are inherited. (2) -Nonspecific defenses include physical barriers such as secretion, epithelium, and complements. (2) 2. List the four main inflammatory responses (4) 3. What is the main purpose of inflammation? (2) 4. A rise in the level of interferon in the body suggests what kind of infection? (2) 5. Fever is an abnormally high body temperature above ______ degrees Fahrenheit. (1) Nonspecific Defenses
1. True or false? If the statement is false make it true by changing the underline word. -Nonspecific defenses protect against particular threats. (2) F: any -Nonspecific defenses are inherited. (2) -Nonspecific defenses are inherited. (2)T -Nonspecific defenses include physical barriers such as secretion, epithelium, and complements. (2) F: hair 2. List the four main inflammatory responses (4) 1. Swelling 2. Redness 3. Heat 4. Pain
3. What is the main purpose of inflammation? (2) An attempt to restore tissue homeostasis 4. A rise in the level of interferon in the body suggests what kind of infection? (2) 1. Viral (Because interferons interfere with the virus’s ability to infect other cells) 5. Fever is an abnormally high body temperature above ______ degrees Fahrenheit. (1) degrees F
1. Specific defenses respond to what? (1) 2. Fill in the chart : (8) 3. What is an antigen? (2) 4. What is an antibody? (2) 5. T-Cells are involved in ______________ immunity and B-Cells are involved in ______________ immunity. (2) Specific Defenses
1. Specific defenses respond to what? (1) Threats on an individualized basis 2. Fill in the chart : (8) 3. What is an antigen? (2) A foreign substance that illicit an immune response from the body 4. What is an antibody? (2) A protein produced by the body in response to the presence of an antigen 5. T-Cells are involved in ______________ immunity and B-Cells are involved in ______________ immunity. (2) Cellular Humoral
1. List the four general types of immune disorders (4) 2. Excessive immune responses to antigens describes what immune disorder? (1) Patterns of Immune Response
1. List the four general types of immune disorders (4) Autoimmune disorder Immunodeficiency disease Allergies Age - related loss of effectiveness 2. Excessive immune responses to antigens describes what immune disorder? (1) Allergies
1. What is a(n): (3) Endemic – Epidemic – Pandemic - 2. What does the Latin word, vacca, mean? (1) 3. What was the flu of 1918 known as? (1) 4. What is a vaccine? (2) 5. List three ideas that could be put in place in Missouri in case os an influenza pandemic. (3) Infectious Diseases
1. What is a(n): (3) Endemic – Endemic – Occurs in a particular region Epidemic – Epidemic – Occurs in one or several communities Pandemic - Pandemic - Occurs around the world 2. What does the Latin word, vacca, mean? (1) Cow 3. What was the flu of 1918 known as? (1) Avian/bird flu 4. What is a vaccine? (2) A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases 5. List three ideas that could be put in place in Missouri in case os an influenza pandemic. (3)