I. Demographics 262 students in 14 classes 218 for lower primary 75 for upper primary 75 for high school Library periods total: 14 hours per week; completed 39 meetings for the whole school year ___372_ visitors for the school year.
Circulation- lower primary can borrow 1 book ; upper primary student and high school students can borrow a maximum of 3 books. library circulated a total of _1,515 books : 989 students and 526 teachers books most frequent borrowers are the grade _4 Responsible students ___171___ students who borrowed for the whole school year II. Services
Most borrowed books are Diary of a wimpy kid: Cabin Fever Diary of a wimpy kid: Roderick Rules Pokemon Handbook
Current Awareness Service- promotes its current collection and activities (library bulletin board, Ingenium Facebook Page, library brochure) Library Instruction Program – they are taught how to use the library and how to locate information and books Library Reading Program - Reading programs will be done in every grade level to help them improve their reading and comprehension
Technical services –The librarians preserve and arrange information to make them easy to search by. Library Orientation – Done every start of school year. This is to announce the services and new books that the library has and how to behave properly inside a library Reader’s/research service – the library fully offers its facility for students, staff and other clients and will be assisted by the librarians
Indexing and abstracting service – work done for periodicals and researches to be made readily available to clients. Open-shelf Control System - Allows the users free access to the collection
III. Collection Development A library management software (MyRizal) was acquired on ___ August 25, 2014 __ to digitized library collection and speed up library processes by using barcoding. As of ___ April 13, 2015 there are __3352___ books encoded into the system. As of _____April 13, 2015__ there are ___199___newspaper clippings being filed according to subject and are readily available for students and researchers.
Aside from the new software, there were ____205____ newly acquired books. Leveled books(Literacy corner) and Tagalog stories are now on a separate shelf. Filipiniana, researches and periodicals section are being developed for the high school students and researchers.
IV. Physical set- up divided according to fiction/non-fiction following the grade levels arranged by their call numbers Shelves are labeled according to letters and subjects New books are being displayed for grade school, high school and teachers Color coding was implemented to effectively organize the collection The bulletin board was updated The high school library is being developed. Fiction, non-fiction, teachers’ corner and general reference section in the high school library was made. Another computer terminal was placed in the high school library. There are 30 chairs and 22 tables for both grade school and high school library.
V. Library staff A licensed librarian named, Ms. Jenny P. Gregorio was hired on May 5,2014. Two library assistants were hired on June till November 16, A new library assistant was hired on January 20, 2015 named, Ms. Reynafe Montejo.
VI. Events Library orientation was held at the first week of classes to introduce to the students some changes made in the library. Library book week was held on the 3 rd week of November with a theme: ‘ Today a reader, tomorrow a leader”. There were board games, photo booths and exhibit of student’s works available in the library. Lower primary made bookmarks Upper primary made poster out of the theme High school made their own slogan-poster depicting the importance of reading.
New Year library activities Lower primary colored a blank 2015 coloring page Upper primary made a new year reading resolution High school made their own reading journey stating their reading experiences in the past year and their reading plans for the future.
Science and math week library activities. Activities highlighting math and science books. Lower primary read a non-fiction story about penguins and answered some questions and a coloring activity. Upper primaries read science books prepared by the librarians and draw science facts that they learned. After that math trivia’s were given to them to be answered by group. The high school students were also given time to look for a science fact and make a poster out of it using a bond paper. After that a Sudoku activity will follow.
Valentine’s Day activity Lower primary had a story reading of a valentine story and a draw a heart activity. The upper primary made Valentine’s Day bookmarks. The high school was supposed to do a hearts mobile but was not able to do it due to lack of time. A big “I my library” was also posted to let the student give their message on why they love the library and why they love reading.
VII. Programs implemented Formulation of collection development policy. A collection development policy is very helpful in tracking the improvement and processes of the library. It is also important because it serves as a handbook for your library to follow.
Library instruction plan This document details on how you educate your students using the library. The main goal is to make every student know how to look for the right information that they need. Library reading program The library reading program is used to help students read and enjoy reading while tracking their progress. For Lower primary - SRA Upper primary - reading response journal High school - reading journal
VIII. Budget For the school year , Php 1,184 was collected from overdue fines
IX. Goals for next school year onwards To have a fully working barcode equipment. To establish a teacher’s lounge. To acquire a reference database. To have 6 more computer terminals for grade school and high school. To isolate the reading corner of lower primary and use play mats.
To increase library collection. To be able to set up a book fair. To be able to teach students how to use word processing programs and presentation programs. To have educational games avail for high school students.
For every Ingenium student to have a separate library notebook To unify the color of the shelves. To devise a floor plan.
Thank you for your support, Administrators, teachers, parents and most of all our beloved students