Mission and Organization US Navy and USMC WHAT We Do & WHY We Do It NVSC 101-505 LtCol J. D. Fleming 9 September 2014
Review What times are morning and evening colors? Do Navy/Marine Corps officers salute uncovered? Do you salute senior officers if they are in civilian clothes and you are in uniform? You are not in uniform, outdoors, at a baseball game. What are your actions for the National Anthem? How do you end correspondence to a Senior officer? Junior? Is hazing permitted as long as consent is given by all parties?
Learning Objectives DoN Chains of command Maritime Strategic Concept: 21st Century Seapower Mission of U. S. Navy and Navy Reserve Mission of the U. S. Marine Corps
Department of the Navy Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC)
Department of the Navy Operating Forces: provide, train, and equip ships, aircraft, submarines, Marines and direct-support bases involved in operations Shore Establishment: provides support to the operating forces; supporting the fleet in numerous ways (recruiting command, ship/aircraft repair, intelligence, meteorological, etc.)
Department of the Navy
Secretary of the Navy Hononable Ray Mabus The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) is is responsible for conducting the affairs of the Department of the Navy, including recruiting, organizing, equipping, training and mobilizing. Additionally, oversees the construction and repair of naval ships, aircraft, and facilities, and formulates and implements policies and programs consistent with the national security policies established by the President and the Secretary of Defense. SECNAV is responsible for an annual budget in excess of $170 billion and leadership of almost 900,000 people.
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) ADMIRAL JONATHAN W. GREENERT The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is the senior military officer of the Department of the Navy. The CNO is a four-star admiral and is responsible to the Secretary of the Navy for the command, utilization of resources, and operating efficiency of the operating forces of the Navy and of the Navy shore activities assigned by the Secretary of the Navy.
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy MCPON (AW/NAC) Michael D. Stevens The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) serves as the senior enlisted leader of the Navy, and as an advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations and to the Chief of Naval Personnel in matters dealing with enlisted personnel and their families.
Current Status of the Navy Active Duty: 325,272 Officers: 54,518 Enlisted: 266,269 Midshipmen: 4,485 Ready Reserve: 107,556 Selected Reserves: 59,699 Individual Ready Reserve: 47,857 Reserves currently mobilized: 3,574 Personnel on deployment: 50,000 DoN Civilian Employees: 201,000
Current Status, Cont’d Deployable Battle Force Ships: 290 Ships Underway (away from homeport): 50 (17% of total) On Deployment: 102 ships (35% of total) Ships Underway Carriers: USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) – Atlantic, USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77) - 5th Fleet Amphibious Assault Ships: USS Peleliu (LHA 5) - 7th Fleet, USS Bataan (LHD 5) - 5th Fleet Aircraft (operational): 3700+
USMC Organization Marine Logistics Group
Commandant of the Marine Corps General James Amos The Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) is responsible to the Secretary of the Navy for the command, utilization of resources and operating efficiency of the Marine Corps. A member of the JCS, the Commandant of the Marine Corps shall advise the Secretary of the Navy regarding the employment of Marine Corps forces.
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sergeant Major Michael P. Barrett Performs much the same role as the MCPON but for the CMC (i.e., senior enlisted leader of the Marine Corps and an advisor to the Commandant in matters dealing with enlisted personnel and their families).
Current Status of the USMC Active Duty Officers: 20,639 Enlisted: 182,147 Selected Reserves: 37,607
21st Century Seapower During testimony before the House Armed Services Committee on December 13, 2007, General James Conway, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps said: “The basic premise of our newly published maritime strategy is that the United States is a force for good in the world - that while we are capable of launching a clenched fist when we must - offering the hand of friendship is also an essential and prominent tool in our kit. That premise flows from the belief that preventing wars is as important as winning wars.”
Specifically, the Maritime Strategic Concept states: Regionally Concentrated, Credible Combat Power: The U.S. sea services will maintain credible combat power forward "in the Western Pacific and the Arabian Gulf/Indian Ocean to protect our vital interests, assure friends and allies of the continuing U.S. commitment to regional security, and deter and dissuade potential adversaries and peer competitors." The maritime strategy states that the U.S. does not seek adversaries, nor single out any one nation, but will be best postured to maintain security and freedom of movement across the maritime domain.
Specifically, the Maritime Strategic Concept states: Globally Distributed, Mission-Tailored Maritime Forces: The U.S. sea services will establish a persistent global presence using distributed forces that are organized by mission, comprising integrated U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard capabilities. Aircraft Carrier and Expeditionary Strike Groups will continue to deploy much as they do now, but they will also use smaller groups or units to provide this presence across the globe, such as the Global Fleet Station.
Tools of the trade Surface ships Submarines Aircraft CVN: Aircraft Carrier (Nuclear Powered) CG: Guided Missile Cruiser LPD: Amphibious Transport Dock Submarines SSN: Fast Attack Submarine SSBN: Ballistic Missile Submarine Aircraft F: Fighter P: Patrol T: Training
How they fight Carrier Strike Group Amphibious Ready Group/MEU Flexible and capable crisis response in nonpermissive environments. Amphibious Ready Group/MEU Task organized rotational force capable of response across the spectrum of conflict or disaster. Becomes a Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) when a flag/general officer is in command. Surface Strike Group Operates independently or with other forces to support crisis response or sustained missions.
Missions of the US Navy Sea Control Deterrence Forward Presence Power Projection Maritime Security Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Response
Mission: Sea Control Tactics Bottle up the enemy in port Using geographic chokepoints, prevent enemy forces from getting to the open ocean.
Mission: Sea Control Forces used in Sea Control Carriers / Air Wings Surface combatants Fast Attack Submarines Mines
Mission: Deterrence Cold war nuclear deterrence Soviets could expect US had survivable second strike capabilty China and Taiwan North Korea Iran Non-nation state
Mission: Strategic Deterrence Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD): Provide unacceptable risk to attacker Maintain a stable international political environment
Mission: Forward Presence Non-nuclear deterrence Quicker response American Resolve and long reach CSG/ARG and Bases
Forward Presence
Mission: Power Projection Objectives Deliver and support troops ashore Secure land from the enemy Destroy offensive capability of opponent Harassment of enemy forces Shaping other nations’ military/political options
Mission: Power Projection TLAM Strike Aircraft Naval Gunfire Special Operations USMC Strategic Weapons
Maritime Security Piracy Drug Interdiction GOPLAT Navigation Economic globalization Asymmetric threats
Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Response
Take 5
The Naval Reserve
Organization Vice Admiral Robin R. Braun, USN Chief of Navy Reserve Commander, Navy Reserve Force Principal adviser to CNO on all Naval Reserve matters
The Naval Reserve Mission of the Naval Reserve Primary: to provide trained units and qualified individuals for active duty in time of war or national emergency Secondary: to assist active force in accomplishing its peacetime mission as a by-product of training for mobilization
History of the Reserves Revolutionary War fought by civilian soldiers 1915 Congress established a federal Naval Reserve End of WWII over 3/4 of the 3,220,000 officers and enlisted were reservists
History of the Reserves In the Korean War, 25% of Navy personnel were reservists In the Vietnam War, six air reserve squadrons and two reserve Seabee Battalions were recalled In Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom numerous reserve units were recalled
Reserve Status Currently, the Navy Reserve represents 20% of the Navy’s total assets. The Navy Reserve Force consists of the Ready Reserve, the Standby Reserve, and the Retired Reserve, in total numbering nearly 700,000 men and women. In a number of mission areas, the Naval Reserve maintains a high percentage of the total Navy capability Ocean mine sweepers 85% Carrier Airwings 14% Coastal Warfare 66% Assault craft units 42%
Naval Reserve Forces The Naval Reserve is composed of 2 main components, the Ready Reserve (*SELRES*) and the Standby Reserve.
Selected Reserve (SELRES) “Core” of the Naval Reserve program Subject to involuntary recall for war or national emergency or by the President for up to 90 days to support operational requirements Perform 48 drills and receive 2 weeks training in a pay status each year
Standby Reserve Subject to Involuntary recall only for war, national emergencies declared by Congress, or when otherwise authorized by law
USMC Roles and Missions Primary Provide Fleet Marine Force with combined arms and supporting air components for service with the United States Fleet in the seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and for the conduct of such land operations as may be essential to the execution of naval campaign. Secondary Development of amphibious doctrine, tactics, equipment, etc.
Additional Responsibilities Security of Naval Shore Stations State Department Guard Duty Embassies As directed by the President Acting as a national “force in readiness”
Amphibious Warfare “An attack launched from the sea against a hostile shore by naval and landing forces.” Prosecute further combat operations ashore Obtain a site for advanced naval or air base Deny the use of an area or facility to the enemy
Amphibious Warfare (cont.) Four types: Demonstration Raid Assault Withdrawal
Questions? Review CNO? Commandant? MCPON? SGTMAJ USMC? Chief of Naval Reserve? SECNAV? Missions of USN? Amphibious assault?