Amit Banerjee Support Escalation Engineer Microsoft Corporation SQL Server FAQ: TroubleshootingSQL: |
What is Performance Dashboard Installation and usage What can it be used for? Demo
A set of RDLs deployed using custom reports feature in Management Studio which help resolve the most common performance issues, such as blocking, high CPU usage, latch contention and disk I/O bottleneck, without having to execute T-SQL queries.
Install the Performance Dashboard Reports from Microsoft Downloads site Once you install the above, go to \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\PerformanceDashboard and run the setup.sql script against the SQL instance that you want to monitor the performance for. Right click on the Server Name in Object Explorer -> Reports -> Custom Reports and select performance_dashboard_main.rdl
CPU bottlenecks (which queries are consuming the most CPU and Plan for this query) IO bottlenecks (which queries are performing the most IO and Plan for this query). Index recommendations generated by the query optimizer (using Missing Indexes DMV feature) Blocking Latch contention and other Wait Types
CPU usage based on Ring Buffer output Blocking information based on sys.dm_exec_requests output All hyperlinks allow various levels of drill- downs to get query-text and the query plan along with connection properties
Dashboard Main report -> Click on the waits showing up with the highest count to get to this report Further drill-down is available using Session ID or Query-text columns
Download link: SQL Server 2005 Performance DashboardSQL Server 2005 Performance Dashboard Configuring Performance Dashboard for SQL Server 2008
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