Title Exploring the Effect of Participation in the Bridge to College (B2C) Programme on Learners Aoife Gaffney MSc Technology & Learning
Title Research objective To explore the impact of the B2C (Bridge to College) programme on participants In the context of: – Access to education – 21 st century learning – Irish education system – Trinity Access Programme MSc Technology & Learning
Title Research design MSc Technology & Learning Mixed methods data collection Figure 5, p23
Title Pre existing secondary data MSc Technology & Learning B2C data (2011 & 2012) n=330 ( ) pre & post student questionnaires Analysis QUAL & QUAN
Title Research design MSc Technology & Learning
Title Findings from B2C questionnaires MSc Technology & Learning High technology usage by students – BUT 50% of students do not use technology for school 94% of students claimed to have had prior experience of team work 75% intend to pursue 3 rd level Very high levels of enjoyment of programme
Title Research design MSc Technology & Learning Literature review Researcher observations = c. 20 hours
Title Focus group design MSc Technology & Learning Areas identified for further probing Plans for 3 rd level Attitudes to school Comparison of B2C learning methods with school Experience of group work in B2C Perceived benefits of working with technology Retention and transfer of B2C skills
Title Focus groups: implementation MSc Technology & Learning 2 x B2C learner focus groups (November 2013) Participants recruited by B2C staff member – self selecting n=8 participants (4+4) 180 minutes audio data = pages of personally transcribed text Qualitative analysis – hand coding & theming
Title Focus group findings MSc Technology & Learning Plans for 3 rd level (6 participants plan to go to college, 2 participants already in college). More positive attitude to school Independent collaborative learning groups formed outside school & B2C High levels of enjoyment of the programme Benefits of peer learning & mentoring identified Acquisition of new skills (eg, confidence & public speaking)
Title Research design MSc Technology & Learning
Title Online questionnaire design MSc Technology & Learning Areas identified for further probing Plans for 3 rd level Acquisition & transfer of B2C skills Collaboration & peer education Comparison of information & formal learning methods Suggestions for improvement – open comments
Title MSc Technology & Learning Online questionnaire: implementation Method of delivery = SurveyMonkey via Facebook (B2C page) & Survey length = 29 questions, c. 30 mins. n=66 No. of days available = 8 (11 th Feb – 18 th Feb 2013)
Title Research design MSc Technology & Learning
Title Concurrent secondary data MSc Technology & Learning Convergence of multiple sources of evidence – adapted from Yin, (2009) Figure 6, p26
Title Concurrent secondary data sources MSc Technology & Learning Academic year Data typeSourceContentn 2009/2010 Student questionnaires JL Pre analysed Likert scales TY Co-ordinator focus group LATranscripts Student focus group LANotes & audio 3 Table 6, p38
Title Main findings MSc Technology & Learning Increased learning – Comparison with formal & informal – B2C skills acquisition (public speaking, confidence, improved ability in social settings) – Self directed learning – increased personal responsibility Formation of independent collaborative groups outside B2C & school – Peer education & mentoring
Title Self critique: Strengths Primary & secondary data sources (Increased validity & provided depth and breadth of data) Authentic, real life research (observation opportunity for researcher) Mixed methodology approach (Increased data validity) Varied data collection instruments (Student & teacher focus groups, online questionnaire, pre existing questionnaires, direct observations, research journal) Data triangulation of findings (Correlation & identification similar themes across data sets) MSc Technology & Learning
Title Self critique: Areas for improvement Improve clarity on the research design process Literature review more depth of analysis – Eg. contrast personal & informal learning use of ICT with use in school Discussions & analysis – Greater depth required – More explicit use of data to support findings MSc Technology & Learning
Title Self critique: Participant bias Participants were a self selecting sample group who were pre disposed to having had positive experiences. MSc Technology & Learning
Title Other aspects MSc Technology & Learning “Rabbit holes” Parental academic achievement Prior knowledge/expectations of the programme Feeling listened to by teachers – more relevant for fellow researcher Data analysis Primary data was shared with fellow researchers Pros & cons regarding secondary data All data was analysed independently