Specific Heat Capacity Hot Vs Cold Heat Vs Temperature In Physics, heat is: the flow of energy from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature
Conduction Convection Radiation The Temperature of a body is a measure of the mean, random, kinetic energy of its vibrating atoms
Heat is a flow of energy, but the idea that heat is something contained in a body is wrong. What a body does have is internal energy. This is made up of the potential energy contained within the inter-atomic bonds and the kinetic energy of the vibrations of the atoms. They are being continuously stretched and compressed as the atoms vibrate – rather like springs. The kinetic energy depends on the temperature - the hotter a body is, the more rapidly its atoms vibrate and so the greater their kinetic energy becomes.
Units of Temperature SI unit is Kelvin (K) It is defined in terms of what is called the absolute thermodynamic scale of temperature, which has absolute zero as its zero and defines the melting pt of ice as 273K TEMPERATURE
θ is given to a temperature recorded in o C T if the temperature is in K Absolute zero (0K) corresponds to a temperature of approximately -273 o C T/K = θ/ o C + 273
Temperature oCoCK Absolute zero-2730 Ice point of water0273 Boiling point of water100373
Element oCoCK Aluminium2350 Argon-186 Copper2853 Helium4
Specific Heat Capacity
The property of a material that quantifies this is called its specific heat capacity, which is given the symbol, c. If we had m kg of the material and we raised its temperature by ∆T K, the energy needed would be: ∆E=mc∆T
c = ∆E/m∆T, what are the units? c has the units Jkg -1 K -1 MaterialSpecific Heat Capacity/ Jkg -1 K -1 Copper390 aluminium910 water4200
An aluminium saucepan of mass 400g containing 750g of water, is heated on a gas hob. How much energy would be required to bring the water from room temperature of 18 o C to the boil?
An electric kettle rated at 2.1kW contains 1.2kg of water at 25 o C. Calculate how long it will take for the water to come to the boil. Explain why it will actually take longer than you have calculated?