Students Speak – Let’s Listen Conducting Focus Groups
Why focus groups? Digging beneath the numbers… Bringing data alive through student voices The power of stories
Using numbers (quantitative data) and student voices (qualitative data) together… The numbers tell you What. The student voices tell you Why.
28% of students responding to the CCSSE survey say they use tutoring services sometimes or often. Why don’t more go to a tutor?
GH204 5
Discussion Qs Who? What? What do you want to learn from them? Why? Which students do you want to hear from? What? What do you want to learn from them? Why? What data lead you to ask those questions?
Discussion Qs Creating the Conversation Who is your audience? Which groups do you want to engage in conversations about these issues? What challenges do you see in conducting focus groups and sharing the outcomes ? How will you use and share this information? What do you want people to do with the information you gather?
Focus Group Toolkit
Student Focus Group Toolkit can be adapted for faculty & staff Planning Focus Groups Recruiting Focus Group Participants Discussion Tools Analyzing/Reporting 9
Focus Group Toolkit Planning Focus Groups Discussion Tools Selecting a Moderator and Note-taker Coordinator Responsibilities Coordinator Checklist Room Set-Up Videotaping Guidelines Consent Forms Recruiting Focus Group Participants Selecting Participants Inviting Participants Discussion Tools Moderator Do’s and Don’ts Moderator’s Guide Student Profile Sheet Response Sheet – First Experiences Analyzing/Reporting Summary Report Sample This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides that show how your college is reaching for excellence. You might, for example, discuss how your college is using CCSSE data to better understand and improve its practices — e.g., by comparing yourself to the national average (the 50 mark), measuring overall performance against performance by your least-engaged student groups, gauging your work in the areas your college strongly values, or contrasting where you are with where you want to be. 10
Student Focus Group Toolkit Planning Focus Groups Selecting a Moderator and Note-taker Coordinator Responsibilities – your team Coordinator Checklist Room Set-Up Videotaping Guidelines – upon request Consent Forms 11
Setting up a focus group… BR 1202 12
Invite students to talk with each other… BR 1201 13
Then listen to their conversation… GS 601 14
Student Focus Group Toolkit Recruiting Focus Group Participants Selecting Participants Your goal is: To gain as accurate a picture as possible of student experiences at the college. You want the good, the bad, and the ugly! Invitations & Maintaining Contact 15
Student Focus Group Toolkit Discussion Tools Moderator Do’s and Don’ts Moderator’s Guide Student Profile Sheet Response Sheets 16
Focus Group Toolkit – Gathering Quantitative Data Along with Qualitative Information Student Profile Form – Use to gather basic information about your participants Additional response forms can be used to complement discussion findings. Examples: Non-Academic Responsibilities Finances Technology Use First Experiences
Focus Group Toolkit - Selecting a Moderator A time to listen, not to talk. Choose your facilitator wisely. Objective Not known to participants Not particularly knowledgeable about what the college is doing Able to listen without showing a reaction!
Group Activity – Create a Discussion Guide Select an OUTCOME. What do you want to learn from focus group participants? What 3 or 4 QUESTIONS could you ask to get to that outcome? Write OUTCOME and QUESTIONS on paper. Select one person to share your group’s discussion guide with session participants.
Focus Group Toolkit – Moderator Guide Sample Outcome: To understand students’ earliest academic experiences with the college. Sample Questions: Think about your first day in class at this college. What was it like? What happened on that first day or during the first couple of classes? Did any of your instructors tell you what they expect from you in the class? If so, what did they tell you? How do those expectations match your own expectations for your college experience?
Focus Group Toolkit – Moderator Guide Sample Outcome: To understand what motivates students to pursue higher education Sample Questions: Why did you decide to go to college? Did anyone urge you to go to college? Parents? Friends? High school teachers or counselors? Anybody else? Sample Questions: When did you decide to go to college? While in high school? After high school? Did you work for a while before deciding to return to school?
Advice from Students: For the college: What works? What doesn’t? What could the college do better to help students get off to a good start? For new students: What do you wish you had done differently? What advice would you give your brother/sister/friend who is just starting college? 22
Students tell you what doesn’t work… advice… GS 609 23
Students cause you to rethink your choices… 24
Students suggest new approaches… GS 610 25
Students tell you what’s working… CT 704 26
Let’s Listen! What are your next steps?