FOCUS GROUP by Dotan and Acadia
Objectives To collect, analyze, and interpret data about students’ opinions of the AUP library website in a focus group setting To use the information we gather and information from other focus groups to improve the library services
What is a Focus Group? “A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging” -- Naomi R. Henderson (2009)
Why a Focus Group? Library users are free to express their opinions and thoughts in a nonthreatening environment Everyone is encouraged to participate Interaction allows for ideas to be built up as a group effort Generates discussion about related topics that we otherwise might not have addressed The only research method, in this instance, that is based directly on collective collaboration of the users.
Method Our focus group consisted of 9 participants –Range from students who are frequent library users to those who have never used it Supervised by the researchers, a professor, and a library staff member The sample was selected by contacting random members of the AUP population and by seeking out volunteers within this population Refreshments were made available to participants to emphasize comfortable setting Each filled out an introductory questionnaire and signed an Informed Consent Form Audio recording and transcription
Facts about the Participants 100% undergraduates, aged –4 females, 5 males –Variety of nationalities and native languages –7/9 had library training –Most common major was psychology Average library usability rating: 5.39/10 Average digital resources rating: 5.5/10 100% mentioned Google 3/9 use the library regularly, but 6/9 use it rarely if at all
Nationalities of Participants Mother Tongues of Participants
Study Major of Participants Portion Library Users
Usability Rating of Library Digital Resources Quality Rating of Digital Resources
Qualitative Results: Design The library website design needs to be more professional and aesthetically pleasing –Darker background and/or more color –Menus instead of index-style organization –Emphasize most important options –Advanced search on main page
A Snapshot of the Library Homepage
Qualitative Results: Functionality Need easier interaction with system and with other users Personalized functions, such as a rating system, the ability to comment or chat Efficient tutorials and how-to links
Qualitative Results: Usability Difficult to use without instructions –But students did not find FirstBridge training sessions to be helpful Sessions could be offered when students are starting a research project if at all Database needs to be organized –Search does not always find what the user is searching for
Search Snapshots – Shows Database Duplications
Tutorial Snap Shot –Confusing
Qualitative Results: Resources Students under the impression that ample resources are available to them but that they don’t know how to access them Interlibrary loan is slow “Find It at AUP” feature is frustrating because it seems to not find ‘it’ most of the time Improving library website may help to compensate for small physical space
Similar Work Illinois State University –Advanced Search is a main function to which students should have clear, easy access Texas A&M University –All materials should be in the same location –Interlibrary loans need to be faster John Hopkins University –Students are often scared to ask for help Kutztown University –Students prefer Google Washburn University –Availability of resources is the chief concern –Clear instruction is needed University of Tennessee –The library website should be personalized and interactive
Implications Improving the library website is worth the effort Even a reorganization of the main page would meet many more of students’ needs –Resources, functions, and usability are also key areas of concern, however A more personalized and interactive website would be effective Students need to feel that they have easy access to resources
Ideas and Suggestions Introduce personal log-in and allow customization based on personal needs. Increase accessibility to online-data bases and collections. Improve website’s design, organization and structure so to allow easy, quick and productive navigation. Offer field-oriented training session Improve online tutorial: make it structured, coherent, and applicable. Improve efficiency of library processes, such as inter-library loans and online real-time help desk.