Most adjectives use the following superlative form: 1. find the base inimicus, inimica, inimicum inimic--- (drop the –a or -is to get the base) 2. add -issim- to the base of the adjective inimicissim--- 3. add 1-2 nd declension endings to the –issim- inimicissimos pueros 4. when you add the endings they must agree with the noun in gender, number and case
She is a very irritating girl Est puella molestissima molestus, molesta, molestum drop the a molest--- add the issim--- Make the ending agree with puella molestissima
I was fighting with a very strong soldier. Cum fortissimo milite pugnabam fortis, forte get the base by dropping the –is fort --- add -issim- fortissim- make the ending agree with milite fortisssimo
What declension endings are used for ALL superlative forms? 1 st and 2 nd What determines the case, number and gender of the ending for the adjective ? The noun it modifies. Do superlative forms always match the noun they modify? NO
There are three ways to translate a superlative most… very… ----est
a very friendly dog (acc. singular) canis, canis; amicus, amica, amicum a most irritating woman (dat. sing.) molestus, molesta, molestum; femina, feminae the happiest days (acc. pl.) laetus, laeta, laetum; dies, diei (this noun is masc.)
canem amicissimum feminae molestissimae laetissimos dies
When you put quam next to the superlative adjective it indicates the highest degree possible. Translate the adjective using the phrase as------as possible When you do this you no longer use most, very or ---est
quam laetissima sum I am as happy as possible
Only adjectives that end in –er in the masculine, singular follow these steps. Words like acer, acris; miser, misera, miserum Take the word that ends in –er acer Do NOT drop anything acer Add –rim- acerrim-- Use 1 st -2 nd decl endings accerrimos milites
acerrimos milites = very fierce soldiers pulcherrimam urbem = the most beautiful city miserrimus servus = very miserable slave
Notice that for these adjectives you do NOT get the base of the adjective You always use the word that ends in -er
The most miserable soldiers – nom. pl. A very beautiful woman - acc. sing. The swiftest horse - dat. sing.
milites miserrimos feminam pulcherrimam equo celerrimo
There are six words that form the superlative in their own way. The six words are: difficilis facilis dissimilis similis humilis gracilis
Find the base Add –lim- Use 1 st -2 nd decl endings A most difficult day – accusative singular difficillimum diem difficil - the base difficillim – the base + lim— difficillimum – the base + lim + ending which agrees with diem
Most Adjectives 1. Find the base 2. Add issim— 3. Add 1 st – 2 nd decl endings Adjectives ending in –er 1. Use the word ending in –er 2. Add -rim— 3. Add 1 st -2 nd decl endings Six Special Words 1. Find base 2. Add –lim- 3. Add 1 st – 2 nd decl endings