Comparative and Superlative Adjectives With Great Appreciation to my Grammar Three Students
Basic Adjectives The most common adjectives in English. When we practice spelling the words correctly, our language improves (pronunciation and remembering the meanings). Listen and write. There will be about 30 words. If you have a pen and paper we can get started. Need more time? Click the or To start and stop
How did you do? Correct Spelling good bad far important beautiful new high old great big small large young long little intelligent low early late difficult easy short fine poor rich hot cold simple complex nice
Using an Adjective in a Sentence… To describe a noun Example: Benji likes to sit on the black chair. As an object in a sentence Rashid is very young. We might think of this as the ‘base form’ of the adjective. To compare things and groups of things. Comparative: Bahrain is smaller than Qatar. Superlative: Nasser is the smartest student in the class.
Adjective generally appear before a Noun Adjectives make your writing more interesting! Adjectives help the nouns come to life.
Adjective to Compare Nouns of the Same Kind or Type It is common to see these comparatives ending in –er. Example: Ali is taller than his brother. Longer (more syllables in the adjective) have more coming before the noun Example: Ahmed is more intelligent than his sister.
Remember the List of Adjectives? Here is how they look and sound in the comparative ‘form.’ good-better bad- worse Important-more important Beautiful-more beautiful New-newer High-higher Old-older Great-greater Big-bigger Small-smaller Large-larger Young-younger Long-longer Little-littler Intelligent-more intelligent Low-lower Early-earlier Late-later Difficult-more difficult Easy –easier Short,-shorter Fine-finer Poor-poorer Rich-richer Hot-hotter Cold-colder Simple –simpler Complex-more complex Nice-nicer
Comparing Time Zones Doha, Qatar time is one hour earlier than Abu Dhabi, United Emirates Arabia.
Critical Parts of a Comparative Sentence! Don’t forget the verb (frequently ‘is’ or ‘are’)… You must have ‘than’ before the second noun in the sentence. Rashid is younger than Mohammad Abdulla. Gold is more precious than silver. Diamonds are more valuable than rubies.
Superlatives! The BEST use of an adjective in grammar. Sample sentence: Water is the most important resource in the world. Note: We still must have a verb and (this must be included) ‘in the….’ Get that pencil and work on these Superlative adjectives, listen carefully. Stop the recording if you need more time.
Another way of comparing Salim is as tall as Ahmed. What are all the moving parts? Salim and Ahmed, proper nouns Salim is the subject, Ahmed is being compared Verb: is Your Turn! Write your own sentence using: Mohsin /car/ is / fast / Hamad / car. Mohsin and Hamad will be adjectives (telling us whose car it is) so add ‘s
…and the sentence I was looking for: Mohsin’s car is as fast as Ahmed’s car. While this may upset Mohsin, notice where we can put the ‘not’ for a negative statement: Mohsin’s car is not as fast as Ahmed’s car.
Well Done! You are among the best students in the world when you work and study harder than anyone else in the world! Find the: Comparative adjective Superlative adjective the verbs The phrases that HAVE to appear with comparatives and superlatives