Maša Radeljak Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat TREATMENT OF TUMORS Maša Radeljak Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat
GOALS OF TREATMENT Complete removal Palliation Amelioration of symptoms Preservation of quality of life
TREATMENT OF TUMORS Surgery Radiation therapy Chemotherapy Biologic therapy
TREATMENT OF TUMORS ADJUVANT Given after the primary treatment Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biologic therapy NEOADJUVANT First step before the main treatment Chemotherapy, radiation therapy
SURGERY Prevention- resection of premalignant lesions Diagnosis- excisional biopsy, incisional biopsy, core-needle biopsy, fine-needle aspiration
SURGERY Staging- determining the extent of the disease and whether it has metastasized to regional lymph nodes
SURGERY - TREATMENT Most effective therapy 40% Complete excision Local control of tumor Preservation of organ function Resection of metastatic disease Staging information Mastectomy, prostatectomy, lung cancer surgery
SURGERY Palliation- supportive care, pain management, insertion of central venous catheters, ascites Rehabilitation- breast reconstruction, orthopedic procedures
RADIATION THERAPY Target tissue Genetic material Free radicals Oxygen X-rays and gamma rays Teletherapy, brachytherapy, systemic therapy with radionuclides
TELETHERAPY External beam radiotherapy Linear accelerators Most commonly used form of radiation Breast, head and neck cancer, Hodgkin's disease
BRACHYTHERAPY Internal radiotherapy Inside or next to the tumor Temporary or permanent Cervical, brain, skin and prostate cancer
CHEMOTHERAPY Cytotoxic drugs Rapidly dividing cells Alkylating agents Antimetabolites Plant alkaloids and terpenoids Topoisomerase inhibitors Antitumor antibiotics Hormonal agents
TOXICITY Nausea Vomiting Myelosuppression Mucositis Alopecia Gonadal dysfunction
BIOLOGIC THERAPY Immune mediators Antibodies Cytokines Angiogenesis inhibitors
REFERENCES ent Harrison: Principles of Internal Medicine