Web-based Protocol Driven Practice Governance Standardisation Increased Efficiency
Cancer Centre Peripheral Unit Referral
Peripheral Unit Referral Admin Sched- uling Chemo
Cancer Centre Peripheral Unit Referral Cancer Centre Referral
Patient consents to radiotherapy treatment at clinic. Oncologist completes paper radiotherapy referral form Referral form delivered to box in radiotherapy planning room Referral form collected by radiographer helper and demographics entered into Aria Referral form collected by scheduling radiographer. Pre-treatment and treatment appointments made with date/times added to referral form and a separate appointment list for each secretary Referral form photocopied by helper Copy of referral form and appointment list delivered to consultant’s secretary Consultant’s secretary sends for patient and prepares notes for patients first visit Original referral form returned to booking radiographer Referral forms counted by hand to calculate weekly waiting time stats Forms stored in pre-treatment until patient completes treatment Referral forms filed by consultant name and stored All referral forms counted by hand at the end of March All referral forms are archived and stored for 2 years Example of Radiotherapy Referral Process Key points All data entered by hand – Missing information and inaccuracies can cause delays and mistakes 8 handoffs – Possibility of losing/misplacing referral form and time delay Photocopy and original referral form in circulation Manual statistics collection and storage Referral form delivered to tray at radiotherapy reception desk
Patient consents to radiotherapy treatment at clinic. Oncologist completes electronic radiotherapy referral form Radiographer helper alerted to new CaS-per referral and the need to enter demographics onto Aria. Helper updates Aria Booking radiographer alerted to new CaS-per referral and makes all pre-treatment and treatment appointments. Dates/times entered onto CaS-per Consultant’s secretary alerted to new CaS-per referral. Secretary sends for patient and prepares All staff can see complete referral and are alerted to outstanding work required CaS-per referral pathway Minimum data entered by hand – SCI store/PAS provides demographics and mandatory fields minimises mistakes and missing data 0 handoffs – All referral data available to all staff at point of referral. Staff alerted to all new referrals, expediting referral No need for photocopying. Staff able to amend referrals can be kept to minimum and full audit trail of all CaS-per activity is recorded Electronic storage and automated statistics generated Key points and comparison between paper and CaS-per referral pathway 1 2a 2b 2c
Cas-per: Features & Benefits FEATUREWHICH MEANSAND SO… Protocol and Data Set-driven Web-based One- time, accurate & complete data entry You cannot proceed to refer until all data are entered Real-time access for all staff Reduces errors Adherence to selected protocol Improves Efficiency Fully configurable Locally configurable individual user accounts System alerts for unauthorised referrals and potential breaches of protocols Local protocols can be selected at point of referral. You can define authority and approval levels for referral for each treatment protocol. Off- protocol care is still possible but is highlighted and fully justified Consistent implementation Complies with national and local reporting requirements Complies with Regulations (IRMER) and NICE guidelines Supports clinical governance and consistency of care Enables easy peer review between clinicians Built in reports and graphics tools Real-time local financial, audit, quality and management reports Supports management of resources Bespoke Process Lists and e mail alerts All staff can see all work outstanding in real-timeImproves efficiency of treatment delivery
On-line demo’s Every Wednesday and Thursday at 1230 throughout July