How to write a research proposal for a Dulwich Extended Project Mr Huckle Room 201
What is the purpose of a research proposal? To explain your initial ideas for your project, how you will research your project and why you want to complete this project.
Sections of a research proposal Proposed project title. Abstract. Relevant prior learning. Motivations. Key research questions. Proposed research methodology and sources.
Proposed project title The best titles are phrased as questions – E.g. ‘what are the causes…?’, ‘evaluate the effectiveness of…’ – Instruction words: evaluate, analyse, assess, consider, … Be specific – E.g. a poor, general question: ‘does space travel do more harm than good?’ – E.g. a better, specific question: ‘assess the extent to which the financial and political benefits of the NASA Space Shuttle program ( ) outweigh the financial and environmental problems’ Your question should allow you to access higher-level thinking skills.
Abstract A short ( words) summary introducing your topic and your project. Refer to what you will study and why you want to study it. You will go into more detail later, this is an introductory overview. Write this in the detached third person and future tense ‘this project will examine the causes of the volcanic eruption in…’ not ‘I am examining the causes of the volcanic eruption in…’
Relevant Prior Learning Explain what you have already learnt that will help you with this project. Explain how your school studies up until now will help you with this project. Remember, your project can be linked to your previous studies but should not be repetition of course work. THIS IS PLAGIARISM AND WILL GET NO MARKS. Prior learning is both skills and knowledge.
Motivations Explain clearly why you want to complete the Extended Project. Your reasons will be a mixture of: – Personal interest – Academic interest – Future plans Show your passion and dedication.
Key questions List a few questions (approx. 3) that you will answer in your project. – E.g. ‘what were the financial costs of the space shuttle program?’ – E.g. ‘what were the financial benefits of the space shuttle program?’
Proposed research methodology and sources Methodology = how you will research your project. Explain what kind of research you will carry out. – It may be reading sources online or in the library. – It may be designing an experiment. – It may be carrying out social research (questionnaires). – Etc. Give some examples of what your sources (where you get your information from) will be and where you will find your sources.
Demonstration of higher level thinking skills. You project should give you opportunities to demonstrate higher-level thinking skills. How will you do this?
What are these skills? Create = come up with new ideas, theories, experiments, etc. Evaluate = consider the strengths / weaknesses of an idea, the good and bad points, come to a conclusion about something. Analyse = investigate a topic in detail, looking at the causes, results, etc.
Do more than describe! Don’t just describe or explain something, try to evaluate and analyse it.
What to do now Complete the Research Proposal form and submit it to X by X. If you want to type your answers, download the form from –
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