Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione e il TrasferimentoTecnologico (CNFTT) Visita della Delegazione della P.R. China Sandro Centro, CNFTT, I.L.O. LNGS 30 May 2007
May 29, 07S. Centro 2 Mauro De Palma, CSN1, Bari Piero Rapagnani, CSN2, Roma Giovanni Casini, CSN3, Firenze Michele Caselle, CSN4, Torino Federico Fidecaro, CSN5, Pisa COMPOSIZIONE Sandro Centro, Padova (president) Pasquale Fabbricatore, Genova Giovanni Marsella, Lecce Enzo Palmieri, LNL Paolo Russo, Napoli Gaetano Salina, Roma 2 Andrea Vacchi, Trieste
May 29, 07S. Centro 3 CNFETT is ONLY a consulting body for the INFN Executive Board. No specific budget foreseen so far.
May 29, 07S. Centro 4 INFN EDUCATION: MASTERs COOPERATION WITH INDUSTRY IP protection and licensing PATENTS (Convenzione PoliMI) CERN and NTT participation ACTIONS
May 29, 07S. Centro 5 EDUCATION 4 Laboratories (blue) 18 Units (brown) 10 associated Units (black) 1 IT centre (blue italic)
May 29, 07S. Centro 6 MASTER in Trattamento di Superficie… INFN-LNL / Univ. di PD
May 29, 07S. Centro 7 From accelerators technology to everyday life (see TECNOR later) Electro-chemical cleaning of RF cavity before Niobium super- conducting film de[position Titanium screw for implantology before and after same treatment (2 seconds)
May 29, 07S. Centro 8 MASTER in Progettazione Microelettronica INFN Sez. PD / Univ. PD In cooperation with: CERN, STmicrolectronics, Infineon Technologies
May 29, 07S. Centro 9 MASTER in Tecniche Nucleari…. INFN LNF / Univ. La Sapienza Univ. Tor Vergata
May 29, 07S. Centro 10 COOPERATION WITH INDUSTRY Three possible ways are foreseen: -Protocols (unpayed) -Research contract (payed or partially payed) -Services (totally payed)
Example of Protocol PALME Post Acceleratore Lineare di Media Energia (30-60MeV) University and INFN-Section of Naples University and INFN-Section of Milan University and INFN-Section of Bari It is on progress the drawing-up of a Memorandum of Understanding between e2V Ltd (England) and INFN, on the study and tests of the use of magnetrons as RF power supplies for the modules of linear accelerators to be fed at high frequencies. The MoU foresees also the support to the setup and use of the equipment consisting in magnetrons, modulators etc… Design and test of a new technology for a linac as a post-accelerator in cascade to a cyclotron for cancer protontherapy
PALME Post Acceleratore Lineare di Media Energia (30-60MeV) (Prof. Vittorio G. Vaccaro, INFN Naples) University and INFN-Section of Naples University and INFN-Section of Milan University and INFN-Section of Bari Contacts are on progress with RTM (Italy), a research institute in mechanical technology with the goal to find new methods, for instance electro-discharge machining, in order to design and to produce parts (cavities fed at high frequency) of linacs. Design and test of a new technology to fabricate a proton linac as a post-accelerator fed at a very high frequency (3-6GHz)
MatriXX : a detector developed by INFN has become a commercial dosimeter 1 Fondazione TERA 2 INFN Torino 3 Fondazione CNAO 4 Universita di Torino (good!) Licensing example
May 29, 07S. Centro 14 IP protection and licensing MatriXX has been licensed to I.B.A. (Belgium) for 5 years: About 100 K$/yr INFN income. More connected developments are ongoing: Hadron Therapy: The new 300 MeV/u superconducting cyclotron developed by INFN will be commercialized by IBA
May 29, 07S. Centro 15 Parallel Computing APE APE100 APE1000 APEnext Developped in INFN Manufactured by Eurotech (Udine)
May 29, 07S. Centro 16 A research contract from the gold industry consortium TECNOR to INFN is under preparation A patent application on the Application of PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) to the design of tecnologically advanced jewlery has been applied Research Contract
May 29, 07S. Centro 17 Cyanide free Electrochemical deburring and polishing of 18 Kt gold jewlery
May 29, 07S. Centro 18 Cyanide free Electrochemical deburring and polishing of 18 Kt gold jewlery
May 29, 07S. Centro 19 Around 14 firms from the gold district in Vicenza created a consortium (TECNOR) with INFN finalized to: subscrive agreements with the INFN for transferring to industry that know-how developped for the fundamental research and of interest for the gold district; to act on the district policy in order to enable the penetration into the gold market of technologically advanced byproducts; to organize seminars, courses, schools and conferences, in order to increase the know-how of the district firms, in order to acquire technologically advanced competences;
May 29, 07S. Centro 20 Patents The policy is to have consultancy from Politecnico of Milan concerning the opportunity of protecting IP with patents. After five years without economical outcome patent is abandoned. Today INFN holds a portfolio of eight patents.
May 29, 07S. Centro 21 Protocol INFN-PoliMI Analysis of the actual patents Analysis of new patents Promotion of patents (8 patents at present)
May 29, 07S. Centro 22 UHV Flange developed for Icarus
May 29, 07S. Centro 23 Industrial Liaison Officer INFN designates to Ministry of Research the I.L.O. that is appointed by Ministry to represent Italian Industry in CERN to promote well balanced return. I.L.O. participate to the CERN Finance Committee and support Italian industry during tendering. I.L.O. distributes to firms in its database all call for tenders according suitable activity codes.
May 29, 07S. Centro 24 Budget LHC + esperiments (4) LHC (2003 evaluation) ~ 1900 M ATLAS~ 336 M (INFN 35 M -> 10.5%) CMS~ 320 M (INFN 43 M -> 13.4%) ALICE~ 92 M (INFN 21 M -> 23.2%) LHCb~ 47 M (INFN 7 M -> 14.4%) CNGS~ 48 M (INFN 38 M -> 80.3%) totale ~ 843 M (INFN144 M -> 17%) CERN is also member of all the experiments -> ~ 170 M.
May 29, 07S. Centro 25 Italian contribution to CERN budget M %
May 29, 07S. Centro 26 Return Coefficient Return Coefficient is the ratio between the percentage of expenditure in an individual Member State and that Member State's percentage contribution to the Budget.
May 29, 07S. Centro 27 Italian industrial supply ret. coefficient Target ->
May 29, 07S. Centro 28 Industrial services coefficient <- Target=.4
May 29, 07S. Centro 29 Other countries coefficients
May 29, 07S. Centro 30 Industrial return in M M Contribution in blue
May 29, 07S. Centro 31 Services return in M M
May 29, 07S. Centro 32 Distribution of activities for Italian industry M ~73
May 29, 07S. Centro 33 Technology Transfer agreements
May 29, 07S. Centro 34 Italia al CERN novembre 2005
May 29, 07S. Centro 35 Conclusions INFN mission is fundamental research in Nuclear and Particle Physics. Modern experiments needs state of the art technologies in various branches (vacuum, cryogenics, electronics, ASIC, software….). INFN promotes and encourages TT to industries in various forms: Cooperation; Partnership; Licensing; Patents; Demand for high technology supplies in Italy and in international laboratories.