EDS Toolkit: User Training September 2008
2 Training Content I.What is the EDS Toolkit? II.How to access the Toolkit III.Content of the Toolkit IV.How to use Toolkit documents V.Resources for Toolkit Users
What is the EDS Toolkit?
4 Created and designed for emergency preparedness planners, charged with planning for mass prophylaxis It is programmatic resource, not just a project management tool Provides resources for all levels of planning and preparedness This is a ‘living’ resource, with regular updates and additions
5 What is the EDS Toolkit? The EDS Toolkit provides jurisdictions with the resources and guidance needed to: Create an EDS Plan Disseminate the Plan Train personnel to support the Plan Exercise the Plan Recruit volunteers to carry out the Plan
6 What is the EDS Toolkit? Toolkit contents include: –MDPH EDS Planning, Management and Operations Guidance –Workshop to facilitate the plan creation –Seminar to disseminate the plan to key stakeholders –Detailed list of available trainings –Sample exercises to test the plan –List of potential sources for recruiting volunteer staff for an EDS
How to Access the Toolkit
8 The Toolkit is available through the MDPH, Emergency Preparedness Bureau webpage: Bookmark the page for easy access CD’s and electronic versions of the Toolkit content are available upon request
9 How to Access the Toolkit Step 1: Start by going to and selecting the Exercises and Training linkwww.mass.gov/dph/emergencyprep
10 How to Access the Toolkit Step 2: Select the Emergency Dispensing Site Toolkit link
11 How to Access the Toolkit Step 3: Select the section you need to use
12 How to Access the Toolkit Step 4: Once you are in the section you need to use, you will see a brief description of the content and the documents you will need to download
13 How to Access the Toolkit Step 5: To download the specific document you need, click on the appropriate link and select ‘Save’ when the File Download box appears
Contents of the Toolkit
15 Contents of the Toolkit This section is divided into: MDPH, Emergency Dispensing Site Planning, Management & Operations guidance (EDS PMO) Workshop Seminar Volunteer Recruitment Resources Training Resources Tabletop Exercises (TTX) Drills Functional Exercise (FE) Full Scale Exercise (FSE) After Action Process Each section will contain the documents necessary to support HSEEP compliance
16 Contents of the Toolkit Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program “HSEEP is a capabilities based exercise program that includes a cycle, mix and range of exercise activities of varying degrees of complexity and interaction. The purpose of HSEEP is to build self-sustaining exercise programs and provide standardized methodology for designing, developing, conducting and evaluating all exercises.
17 Contents of the Toolkit All exercises in the Toolkit are based on an aerosolized anthrax event, which takes place in a non-specific city, town or region The exercises are designed to be implemented individually, using a building block approach
18 Exercise Contents: Building-Block Approach Uses a cycle of increasingly complex exercises Builds upon lessons learned from previous training and exercises
19 Exercise Contents: Building-Block Approach Cycle, mix, and range of training and exercise activities Cycle of activity employs increasing degrees of complexity and ensures continuous improvement of capabilities Combination of training courses and exercise types that accomplish priorities TTX FSEFEDrill Workshop FSE Seminar Workshop TTX
20 Toolkit Content: EDS PMO Incorporates all aspects of dispensing site planning and operations –Guidance is currently in final draft form and is under review for approval in Fall 2008 Provides direct linkage to the CDC Technical Assistance Review (TAR) Incorporates planning tools, checklists, and strategies to consider and implement various details Includes resources, templates and samples in the appendices to enhance local EDS planning
21 Toolkit Content: Workshop The Workshop helps facilitate the creation of an EDS Plan Covers all necessary aspects of EDS planning It is a starting point for jurisdictions who need to create or update their EDS plan to meet new TAR requirements The Workshop includes the following documentation: Multi-media (Power Point) Presentation Workshop Instructions and Guidance
22 Toolkit Content: Seminar The Seminar serves as an informational presentation, given to: Planning partners Key stakeholders Senior leadership This is conducted upon completion of the plan and covers the essential elements of the plan, clarifying roles/responsibilities and procedures The Seminar includes the following documentation: Multi-media (Power Point) Presentation Seminar Instructions and Guidance
23 Toolkit Content: Volunteer Recruitment This resource provides suggested sources for volunteers to staff an EDS, including links directly to various web based resources This section also includes information and resources for Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and the Massachusetts System for Advanced Registration (MSAR)
24 Toolkit Content: Training Includes a comprehensive list of local, state and federal trainings that support EDS operations Trainings cover basic planning elements, such as: NIMS/ICS Clinic Operations Managing Volunteers Public Information
25 Toolkit Content: Tabletops (TTX) There are eight Tabletop Exercises (TTX), focused on testing the following EDS planning areas: Incident Command System Security SNS Planning Elements Inventory Management Tactical Communications Public Information Site Operations Demobilization
26 Toolkit Content: TTX Tabletop Exercises encompass various planning pieces that are necessary to successfully operate an Emergency Dispensing Site Allows jurisdictions to focus on plan specifics, without overwhelming participants
27 Toolkit Content : TTX Each Tabletop Exercise includes the following documentation: Situation Manual (Sitman) Multi-media (Power Point) Presentation Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) These documents are pre-formatted and synchronized to fit the appropriate EDS planning area
28 Toolkit Content: Drills There are four Drills, focused on testing the following capabilities: EDS Staff Call-down EDS Site Activation Call-down EDS Facility Set-up Dispensing Drill guidance and instructions are derived from the CDC—DSNS Preparedness Drills
29 Toolkit Content: Drills Each Drill includes the following documentation: Exercise Plan (ExPlan) Controller/Evaluator (CE) Handbook Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) CDC Data Collection and Scoring Metrics These documents are pre-formatted and synchronized to fit the appropriate EDS planning area
30 Toolkit Content: FE & FSE The Toolkit will also include a Functional Exercise (FE) and a Full Scale Exercise (FSE) –FE and FSE documents will be available in Fall 2008 Both will be based on the same public health emergency scenario (bioterrorism incident), as the other exercises Jurisdictions are encouraged to develop other support documentation, including event specific briefings or event logistical information
31 Toolkit Content: Functional Exercise (FE) ExPlan Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) CE Handbook EEG(s) Player Briefing Player Handout Player Hotwash Observer/VIP Briefing CE Briefing CE Debriefing The Functional Exercise will include the following documentation:
32 Toolkit Content: Full Scale Exercise (FSE) ExPlan Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) CE Handbook EEG(s) Player Briefing Player Handout Player Hotwash Actor Briefing Observer/VIP Briefing CE Briefing CE Debriefing The Full Scale Exercise will include the following documentation:
33 Toolkit Content: After Action Process Each exercise must include the HSEEP After Action Process, including an After Action Conference and After Action Report/Improvement Plan The process includes the following documentation, which is provided in the Toolkit: After Action Conference Presentation Sample After Action Report and Improvement Plan Template After Action Report and Improvement Plan Participant Feedback Form
How to use Toolkit Documents
35 How to use Toolkit Documents All Toolkit MS Word documents contain tutorial sections, to help facilitate their completion Some of the tutorial sections contain links to resources that will aid the planning process These boxes are highlighted in Yellow Before finalizing the documents, these should be deleted Simply highlight them with the cursor and hit delete Here’s an example…
36 How to use Toolkit Documents Tutorial Sections
37 All Toolkit MS Word documents contain [blanks] that need to be filled in with information specific to your jurisdiction and your exercise These boxes are [bracketed] and highlighted in [Gray] Upon completion, you should remove the gray highlight and the brackets Simply select them with the cursor and highlight the section white Here’s an example… How to use Toolkit Documents
38 How to use Toolkit Documents Sections to be filled in with your information
39 How to use Toolkit Documents All MS Word documents also contain Hyperlinked items These links either direct you to a section within the document, or to a resource on the web To utilize these, simply right click on the word(s) and select “Open Hyperlink” To remove the link, right click on it and select “Remove Hyperlink” Here’s an example…
40 How to use Toolkit Documents Hyperlinked items
41 How to use Toolkit Documents All MS Power Point presentations contain [bracketed] sections that should be replaced with information specific to your jurisdiction and your exercise [Brackets] should be removed before finalizing the presentation You may also change the slide background and delete or add to graphics that come with the presentation
42 How to use Toolkit Documents The MS Excel spreadsheets that accompany the drills, are the CDC Data Collection and Scoring Metrics These spreadsheets must retain their original formatting to calculate the data you are collecting For additional instructions, please read the information provided with the spreadsheets or contact the Emergency Preparedness Bureau
Resources for Toolkit Users
44 Resources for Toolkit Users MDPH, Emergency Preparedness Bureau Staff, including: Local Public Health Manager Regional Coordinators Exercise and Training Manager Exercise Coordinator Strategic National Stockpile Team
Thank you for using the EDS Toolkit! Matt Caccavale Roberta Clarke