Recent developments in the UNFCCC process in relation to global observations 4 th GTOS Steering Committee Paris, 1-2 December 2009 Rocio Lichte Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

Recent developments in the UNFCCC process in relation to global observations 4 th GTOS Steering Committee Paris, 1-2 December 2009 Rocio Lichte Programme Officer Adaptation, Technology and Science Programme (ATS) UNFCCC Secretariat

Outline United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change SBSTA: Research and systematic observation Examples of other areas of work under the Convention with needs for data and observations:  SBSTA: Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP)  Bali Action Plan: Identified needs for data and information Some suggestions how further enhancing the work on observations can further support the UNFCCC

GTOS activities in UNFCCC context (1): SBSTA: Research & systematic observation United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Mandates: COP 9, Milan, Dec 2004: decision 11/CP.9 Invites the sponsoring agencies of the GCOS, and in particular those of the GTOS, in consultation with other international or intergovernmental agencies, as appropriate, to develop a framework for the preparation of guidance materials, standards and reporting guidelines for terrestrial observing systems for climate, and associated data and products, taking into consideration possible models, such as those of the WMO/IOC Joint Commission for Oceanographic and Marine Meteorology, and to submit a progress report to COP 11. SBSTA 23 (Dec 2005) welcomed efforts by the GTOS secretariat to develop a framework for the preparation of guidance materials, standards and reporting guidelines for terrestrial observing systems for climate and encouraged the GTOS to continue its work. called on the GTOS secretariat to assess the status of the development of standards for each of the essential climate variables in the terrestrial domain. → Invitation to GTOS secretariat to report on progress

GTOS activities in UNFCCC context (2): SBSTA: Research & systematic observation United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change GTOS Progress reports and updates on:  Assessing the status of the development of standards for the ECVs in the terrestrial domain  A framework for terrestrial climate-related observations Received at SBSTA 26 (May 2007, Bonn), SBSTA 27 (December 2007, Bali), SBSTA 29 (December 2008, Poznan) and SBSTA 30 (June 2009, Bonn) Feedback from SBSTA 27:  Welcomed progress and encouraged to finalize assessment of terrestrial ECVs;  Welcomed efforts and encouraged further development of the framework, according to given criteria (use of existing institutional bodies and processes; scientifically sound basis; allow for involvement of governments; free and unrestricted access; cost-effectiveness and flexibility)

GTOS activities in UNFCCC context (3): SBSTA: Research & systematic observation United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Feedback by SBSTA 30 and follow-up activities (June 2009, Bonn):  Welcomed proposal for joint terrestrial framework mechanism between relevant UN agencies and ISO;  Encouraged its implementation;  Invited GTOS to elaborate a work plan for developing observational standards and protocols for the 13 terrestrial ECVs assessed;  Report on the results (implementation of framework and work plan for ECVs) at SBSTA 33 (Nov 2010).

SBSTA 30 (June | Research and systematic observation United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change REPORTS considered and follow-up activities GCOS: Report on Progress with the GCOS Implementation Plan (IP)  A provisional updated implementation plan in conjunction with a provisional estimation of costs by COP 15 (Dec 2009)  An update of the GCOS implementation plan, including a breakdown of costs involved by SBSTA 33 (Nov. 2010) CEOS: Updated report on progress by space agencies involved in global observations in implementing actions in response to the GCOS IP  Coordinated implementation of the cross-cutting space-based components of GCOS encouraged to continue, incl. coordinated response to GCOS IP through CEOS  Continue development of methodologies for satellite-based applications for the terrestrial domain  Work on improved availability of data for forest carbon monitoring welcomed  Report on the progress in efforts made in meeting the relevant needs of the Convention by SBSTA 33 (Nov. 2010) GTOS : (see previous slide) DRAFT DECISION on Systematic climate observation recommended for adoption by COP 15 (Copenhagen)

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change SBSTA and COP | Research and systematic observation Main elements of draft COP decision for adoption at COP15:  GCOS: Parties and relevant UN agencies and international organizations to address the priorities identified in GCOS IP progress report, in particular: Regional action plans and ensuring a sustained long-term operation of in-situ networks, especially for the oceanic and terrestrial domains  GCOS invited to update the GCOS IP taking into account emerging priorities, such as data needs for adaptation (by SBSTA 33, Nov 2010)  GTOS (secretariat and the sponsoring agencies) encouraged to implement the framework for the preparation of guidance materials, standards and reporting guidelines for terrestrial observing systems for climate, as a joint terrestrial framework mechanism between relevant UN agencies and ISO  CEOS: encouraged to continue coordinating and supporting implementation of the satellite component of the GCOS, as well as actions in CEOS report, in particular on long term continuity of observations and data availability

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Upcoming SBSTA (31) - Research and systematic observation AND COP 15 (Copenhagen, Dec 2009) Decision on Systematic climate observation → Expected to be adopted by COP 15 SBSTA: Availability of provisional updated GCOS Implementation Plan in conjunction with a provisional estimation of costs (FCCC/SBSTA/2009/MISC.12) In addition, WMO invited to provide information on the outcome of WCC-3 to inform the work under the Convention

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change SBSTA│ Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Needs, recommendations and priority areas for further work related to climate data and observations Despite considerable progress made to improve the provision of knowledge, information and data in many countries, limits in the coverage and length of data records still hinder robust risk assessment and management decisions Provision of incentives and continued support for enhancing observation systems and for collecting and disseminating data Improving availability, accessibility and relevance of climate data at appropriate spatial and temporal scales, including climate observations and scenario data; meteorological parameters; socioeconomic data; geographic data, national statistics; agricultural data; information on natural resources Enhancing the effectiveness and adequacy of early warning systems Enhancing technical capacity for data processing and analysis

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Negotiations under the Bali Action Plan towards Copenhagen | Needs for data and observation in the adaptation context Issues under consideration A global framework/programme of action on adaptation – Supporting the supply and availability of climate information, tools, methods and models, particularly in the most vulnerable countries – Sharing knowledge, information, data and experience among stakeholders and utilizing the services of relevant institutions – Enhancing or developing the needed information and knowledge base (biophysical and socioeconomic), including enhancing observations and data Provision of means to planning and implementation of adaptation actions at all levels Support to capacity building for adaptation, including systematic observation, collection, archiving & analysis of data Establishing regional centres and networks i.a. to coordinate and disseminate information related to systematic observation and impacts and response modeling, for improved vulnerability and adaptation assessments

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Some suggestions how enhanced work on (terrestrial) observations can further support the UNFCCC – Addressing issues identified under SBSTA and COP with respect to GTOS (implementation of framework and ECVs) – Addressing needs & priorities identified in GCOS progress report in relation to the terrestrial domain Ensuring sustained long-term operation of in-situ networks, especially for the oceanic and terrestrial domains Sustaining (terrestrial) climate observations over the long term in developing countries, especially in LDCs and SIDS – Addressing emerging needs & priorities relevant for adaptation activities (data & knowledge base) Under the Nairobi Work Programme Under the expected Copenhagen agreement