Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd Welcome to our six step process for Interior designing of your commercial space. 6 6
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd 6 6 Listen Analyze Estimate Agree Design Execute
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd 6 6 Listen Analyze Estimate Agree Design Execute STEP 1 : Listen We hold a client-designer meeting at either’s office or at site depending on the mutual convenience & site location. Understand the client requirements in a specific format. Collect a builders plan of the office showing beam, column positions and dimensions.
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd 6 6 Listen Analyze Estimate Agree Design Execute STEP 2 : Analyze We shall workout a layout plan &Offer you an estimated cost of the project based on the scope of work Civil work, Plumbing Electrical False ceiling AC, Fire alarm Modular furniture, wood work by carpentry Light fixtures, blinds, wooden or other flooring, chairs, POP, Carpet, Artifacts, Display signage, Planters, Painting, Wall paper Access control, CCTV etc. Or other works as required
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd 6 6 Listen Analyze Estimate Agree Design Execute STEP 3 : Estimate Client – Designer second discussion on proposal & estimate and schedule of completion
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd 6 6 Listen Analyze Estimate Agree Design Execute STEP 4 : Agreement Signing Of Contract
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd 6 6 Listen Analyze Estimate Agree Design Execute STEP 5 : Design Designer team takes physical measurements of the site. Offers minimum 3 layout plans as per 2nd client –Designer discussion. Finalize the layout with client. Prepare Working drawings & elevations. Presentation of color schemes & 2D & 3D elevations, walk through etc. Working drawings issued to the contractors & conduct site inspection with them.
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd 6 6 Listen Analyze Estimate Agree Design Execute STEP 6 : Execute Submission of Bill of quantities & final cost based on the Design, selected materials, quality & brand. Presentation of schedule of execution. Presentation of Schedule of payment. Signing of MOU with vendors. Execute the project and handover in time.
Interior Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd Thank You