Presented by Saira Ejaz Essex Mind & Spirit County Conference 2013 Progress Report
About Me Work for the UKSC - Education, Visits and Outreach work. Time to Change Ambassador at the Supreme Court. Promote awareness of Mental Health and Wellbeing
About Me Volunteered at Women Together Liaison with mental health organisations Experience of working with colleagues with mental health problems as well as friends and family.
Mental Health Conference April 2013 Stalls Presentations Workshops Networking
Turning Point Sue Baker the Director from Time to Change. Anti-stigma campaign run by the leading mental health charities. Funded by the Department of Health, Comic Relief and the Big Lottery Fund.
Next steps… The Supreme Court finally signed the pledge on Friday 14th October UKSC has pledged to deliver information on mental health awareness and stigma Have since held a number of successful events…
Some facts for you to think about… The World Health Organisation forecasts that by 2020 depression will be the second leading contributor to the global burden of disease. 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year Mixed anxiety and depression is the most common mental disorder in Britain. One in six workers experiences depression, anxiety or unmanageable stress. A further one in six experiences symptoms of mental ill health such as sleep problems and fatigue. Yet mental health is still taboo in the workplace.
Joined the Whitehall Peer Network hosted by Time to Change Promoting mental health awareness and well-being information on the intranet. Lunchtime seminar for staff on healthy eating to connect the importance of physical and mental health. Stress Awareness Lunchtime Seminar with private counselling support after session, December On going support and counselling for staff with our private counsellor from Ongoing Projects at the Supreme Court
Ongoing projects at the Supreme Court continued… Participating in Time to Talk Day Feb Organising a Wellbeing Walk in March 2015 (attended by a third of our staff). Free medical health checks, with a personalised report and advice – May Meditation/Tai Chi event Weekly One to One sessions with managers Future buddying system/network
It’s the small things that count…
What can you do to make a difference to yourself and others? Take your breaks Don’t bottle things up Celebrate achievement Work-life balance In-house support
Result It is just the beginning… but it’s a great start!
Thank you for listening! Questions?