A lesson about syllables A less-on a-bout syl-la-bles
Definition Ways to divide up words A syllable always contains a vowel sound Most syllables have consonants along with the vowel
Syllables Syllables are considered the building blocks of words They can influence the rhythm of a language and they way the word is pronounced or expressed
Types of Syllables Monosyllable = 1 syllable in the word Disyllable = 2 syllables in the word Trisyllable = 3 syllables in the word Polysyllable = 4 or more syllables in the word
Examples Hap-py = 2 Peo-ple = 2 Diff-fi-cult = 3
Examples Dic-tio-na-ry = 4 Ex-am-ples = 3 Ne-ver-the-less = 4
Korean words Yo-bo-se-yo Ann-yeong-ha-se-yo Sill-ye-ham-ni-da Gam-sa-ham-ni-da
Pronounce Ma-the-ma-tics Phy-si-cal Ed-u-ca-tion His-to-ry Eng-lish
Count the syllables Coffee Stress Bus mountain
Count the syllables Library Soccer Computer games telephone
Count the syllables The teacher is new to the country. Let’s get together tomorrow. Yesterday’s basketball game was exciting. The barbeque was delicious
Haiku A haiku is a style of poetry ( 시 ) It involves counting syllables
Haiku It has three lines 5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables
Write a Haiku 5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables