Non-renewable Sources of Energy 1. Oil 2. Natural gas 3. Nuclear
Renewable Sources of Energy 4. Hydro-electric 5. Solar 6. Wind 7. Biomass 8. Geothermal
How Energy is Consumed in Agriculture Gas and diesel: Fuel for farm power and transportation. Electricity: Used for pumping irrigation water, processing, and refrigeration. Natural gas: Used for producing fertilizer, heating greenhouses, and processing food products.
Alternative Energy Sources in Agriculture Biomass: Wood, crop stubble, etc. used to produce heat, methane gas, or fuel alcohol. Fuel Alcohol: Corn, sugar cane, etc. processed & fermented to provide ethanol. Methane gas: Captured from decomposing manure or crop residue & used to run machinery, heat water Solar & wind: Captured and turned into usable energy to run equipment.