October 6, 2014 ENGR B47 Introduction to Engineering & Design Week #7 Academic Success Strategies
Update As predicted......full grades for Engineering Disciplines Project and Book Light Project not finished. Will have them for Wednesday
News & Notes
“The Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) invites... college students... to the CHLI Regional Future Leaders Conference at Fresno State on Thursday, October 16, 2014 from 9 a.m.. to 2 p.m.” “The Future Leaders Conference aims to inspire students to realize their full potential through panel discussions that involves both corporate leaders as well as public servants that introduce students to opportunities that are available to them, includes STEM and non-STEM fields” “The conference will conclude with a networking luncheon which will provide a platform for participants to informally meet and have face-time with entrepreneurs, conference speakers, and other participants”
News & Notes Bonus teacher in class on Wednesday... Lidia Torres will be observing me Brief (10-15 minutes) divergence from usual schedule for survey
Notes on Guest Speakers I’m pleased with attention and enthusiasm Last one coming on October 13 –HR representatives from Chevron –Different perspective than Engineers –Think about what to ask them (Hint: it’s not “will you hire me?”)
Schedule Today: Academic Success Strategies Wed (10/8): Academic Success Strategies Mon (10/13): Guest Speaker (Chevron) Wed (10/15): Problem-Solving
Lingering Thoughts on Egr. Disc. Presentations were short (and rushed) Anyone have final contributions for the group? Significantly more interested in your choice? Significantly less? Interesting facts that didn’t make the cut?
Lingering Thoughts on Egr. Disc. Final notes: It’s a very diverse profession Keep seeking new info Don’t plan on doing one thing for your whole career The best job you’ll ever have hasn’t been invented yet - Quote from Professional Development seminar I attended in grad school
Understanding the Teaching & Learning Process
Chapter 3 Teaching & Learning A wealth of good information on teaching and learning styles Many “reflection” exercises throughout the chapter Some ideas worth building upon
Chapter 3 Teaching & Learning The description of the average college lecture: “The information passes from the notes of the professor to the notes of the student without passing through the mind of either one” An institution built for efficiency, not stimulation Some professors take a different approach but you are in the driver’s seat on the road to your degree
Chapter 3 Teaching & Learning The 80/20 rule - Version 1.0 High School: 80% of learning happens in class In College: 80% of learning happens outside of class Need to find how you learn best and leverage it The 80/20 rule - Version 2.0 The “Pareto Principle” 80% of effect comes from 20% of the effort* Translation: spend time on methods that work * A claim, but some justification in Economics, Medicine, Computer Science, etc.
A Battery of Assessments Handed out today: “Academic Study Skills Survey” from Text Work on in class Discuss validity and insight with your neighbors Remember the results (You’ll use them on a future assignment) For homework: MBTI® test online* Read the results and let them percolate *
Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator Psychological tool in common use Questionnaire ~ 10 min View output Personality traits Famous examples Prescriptions for interacting with others This isn’t a fingerprint or a blood test It’s value is that it makes you think More information for future reflection
Homework Read Chapter 3 in book Finish Study Skills Assessment Finish MBTI Assessment and description Bring book (and laptop/mobile device) to class on Wednesday –More self assessment coming –Perhaps small group assignment