An interactive CD for training of workers Marta Dalla Vecchia Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Padova
ABSTRACT At the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro an interactive CD has been arranged in order to train employees and other users. The CD contains both general information about LNL and important notes about preventive regulations inside the lab, safety procedures, emergency plan, environmental management system, etc. The CD ends with a test that everyone is obliged to fill. The test permit to verify the learning level, if there are any mistakes, the CD guides the trainee in the revision of the wrong subject and in the correction of the test. The CD, translated into two languages, aims to give first important information to people starting their working activity at LNL. During the presentation part of the CD and the final test will be shown.
ISTITUTO NAZIONALE di FISICA NUCLEARE The role of the INFN is to propose, coordinate and conduct experimental and theoretical research work in the field of fundamental and applied physics
Individual users asking for access (duration of stay > 7 days)
LAB ORIENTATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURES SAFETY TRAINING Every day, at the LNL many people (employees or foreign workers) have the access to work in the area. It is necessary to be sure that each worker has the basilar notions about:
applicable regulations and guidelines recommended work practices personal protective equipment Consequently we have to give information on: proper disposal of hazardous chemicals and biological waste
We can use simple handbooks… MAGIC COLLABORATION WORKERS SAFETY HANDBOOK Island of La Palma October 2002
If you have any doubt, ask... BEFORE ACTING LABORATORI NAZIONALI DI LEGNARO Observe the Safety and Radioprotection rules Use the Personal Protective Equipments Do Not disconnect the safety devices Notify immediately an emergency situation to the number 888. Follow the given directions in matter of Emergency and Fire Prevention Observe the given directions in matter of Environment and Waste Cooperate with the Subcontractors Safety is also your interest... THINK it over ! Poster…
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